Friday, June 5, 2020

Blow It Down

So we have this dead tree behind our house. 
Been there for a couple of years now.
Since the fire.
Which it's crazy to think that the fire was like...two years ago. *shakes head*
But the Cottonwood tree has never recovered from it, despite the assurances of the people who looked at it that it would.
Nope. Thing's dead. And falling apart.
Bark is peeling, I've been told its filled with like...bugs? 
But despite multiple calls, no one will come cut it down. (It's not on our property so we can't do anything with it) 

In any case.
We had a windstorm come through this evening.
Stronger than usual.

And it was kinda awesome but also terrifying to see how the wind tore at the tree.

It didn't fall down or anything.
But to see pieces of tree bark and some of the smaller branches flying through the air was crazy.

I was actually waiting for the wind to blow strong enough from just the right direction to have of the major branches break off because that's how strong the wind was.
Nothing like that happened.
But still.

It's interesting to just see how nature can take care of trees.
And I do wonder how much longer it will be before the dead tree just...falls apart.
Like maybe the next winter...if we get heavy snow...maybe the weight will be too much for the tree....

We'll see.
Still. Kinda cool to watch pieces of bark and such flying through the air. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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