Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Missing Bugs

So Tuesday is a day we get our cricket shipments into the store.
Though with the fact that our shipments are constantly shorted, we basically get crickets nearly every single day right now. 
But overall our main cricket shipments have been Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Today though was different.
In that we got in two boxes of crickets...but there was no invoice attached to said box.

Which meant that I had to go into the computer to look up the PO to see what we were supposed to get in.
And what we were supposed to get was two boxes of Large Crickets and One box of Small Crickets.
One of the boxes hadn't made it to us though.
We only got in one box of large and one box of small.

And it's not...uncommon to occasionally have half our shipment missing.
Like I'm sure with all the bumps and turns and stops the delivery guys make it's quite possible for boxes to just get lost and separated from each other. 

But who knows where or when those boxes get lost.
Like were they never packed in the first place?
Did they get lost in the facility?
In the plane or first truck?
In the main delivery facility?
So many places the bugs can vanish in.

Which makes me wonder just how many random boxes of bugs have been discovered that are 'homeless' and what people --like the drivers--do with those boxes at the end of the day.

In any case.

We were short like 1000 large crickets because this box didn't come in.
And I just assumed that the facility had forgotten to pack it -as that does happen- 

I later received a phone call from one of our sister stores in the next valley over.
And they were like "Hey...are you missing a box of crickets? Because we got an extra box of crickets here and an invoice for your store."

And I was like "Is it a 1,000 large crickets and the invoice is ####?"
They were like "Yep! That's it! Uhm...do you want them back? As we know we're kinda far away from you guys."
-It was like a 30 minute drive if traffic was good. 

And I was like "Huh. One sec let me check with a manager."
Because like...we've haven't really had that situation happen before with our crickets.
(It's happened with our fish shipment before though) 

And so I asked the manager if they wanted to go get our missing box of crickets.
And after some dithering...cus the manager couldn't go get them until tomorrow if they did go get them and me explaining that more than likely it was only 500 crickets in the box anyways because that's how much the company has been shorting us recently....they decided that it wasn't worth the effort to go get the bugs.

So I came back on the phone to say "Nah you can keep them, we'll just write them off as short here." 

And the manager on the other side of the phone was like "Oh good. Because we'd already dumped them into our bin before we realized they weren't our crickets."

*shakes head* lol. Well....that would have been tricky for them if we had said yes then.
Though I do wonder why they didn't say that in the first place.
As they had made it sound like the box hadn't yet been opened. *shake head* 

But yah.
Good to know that that box of crickets made it to a store...even if it wasn't the correct store lol.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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