Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Bark Bark Bark

 Dog Training classes are probably one of my least favorite aspects of the store.

I mean, most of the time it's fine. You barely realize that classes are being held.

But on occasion you get that 'one' class where there's a yappy dog that won't shut up and barks its head off the entire time. 

And like...in a big open store, with no walls to dilute the sound. A barking dog, specifically one that can bark at such a tone that it echoes throughout the store like crazy...is not fun to deal with.

Not for an hour straight. Which is how long the classes are.

Luckily...if there are yappy dogs...they don't always bark the entire time. Nor do they stay in the class for long if they keep barking throughout the entire class.

Because it's kinda hard to teach if the pet parents can't hear what the trainer is saying over the yapping of the dog.

Which like...I don't understand why a person would just let their dog bark the entire time. I would think they would try to silence their dog. Either by holding it's mouth shut, or taking the dog out to calm him down...something to get the dog to be quiet. 

*shakes head*

Today....it was bad.

A class of 5 people with their dogs was held today. 

One dog was immediately transferred to a different class because it was a tiny dog and the other four dogs were larger and said tiny dog was trembling the entire time. So yah no....not a good way to train if the dog is constantly scared.

But the other 4 dogs?

Yah. There was one dog that kept barking and would set off all the other dogs to keep barking. 

And it was like nonstop barking too. 

Barely a minute of quiet before it would start up again.


And like...one more dog was transferred into a different training class because of an aggression issue towards the trainer and they figured one on one would work better.

Which leaves 3 dogs in this class.

Three dogs that liked to bark. 

And three owners who refuse to try and come to a different class. Who insist that they want to stay at this time and date. 

*shakes head*

Soooo it looks like for the next six weeks...I'm going to be subjected to an hour of barking....*exhales* Hopefully as classes go on the dogs will settle...but who knows for sure.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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