Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Transfer Over

 The fun thing about working retail is you get first hand witnesses to how...well...clever customers try to be when it comes to buying things. 

Like today.

I had a customer call the store...I think they were local? But they told me that they'd been trying to buy a certain dog crate from one of our sister stores all the way over in Maryland...which is like...all the way across the country from my store. Thousands upon Thousands of miles away.

And unfortunately for them, the location in Maryland they were trying to purchase said crate from...wouldn't let them buy a crate online from that store to pick up there.

They were out of stock.

So the customer, who I'm guessing lives near us, called our store wanting to know if it would be possible for them to come into the store and buy the crate in our store...and then transfer the transaction over to the Maryland location so that the person in that state they were buying the crate for would be able to pick up the crate there. 




Like...it's clever, I admit. To think that that might work.

But unfortunately for the customer, we can't exactly transfer purchases from one store to another.

Like...I know a bit ago...though it's been two or three years since...we could transfer product from one of our sister stores in state from our store to their store.

But that entailed either them driving the product physically to our store, or us going to their store and picking up said product and bringing it back down to our location.

And there was no way that anyone would be willing to make a week long drive to and from our store to the Maryland location to transfer the crate there. *shakes head*

And like...we can't transfer a purchase in our store to another store. It doesn't work like that. If you buy the product in our store it shows that it's purchased in our store and said product in our store becomes one less in our inventory.

But if Maryland has no crates....buying the crate here in my state isn't going to magically make the crate appear over in maryland if we 'transfer' the purchase over there.

Honestly it would probably be cheaper and faster to just buy the crate here and ship it to the person in Maryland.

Or else wait for whenever the replenishment trucks show up to the store in Maryland and hope that you can get the crate ordered before people in said store buy them all up. 

But yah...weird times. *shakes head* Clever of the customer to try that way...but it doesn't work like that.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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