Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 It was another one of those adulting tasks that I've been putting off.

I mean. I've known for months now that I need to get my Driver's License renewed.

And unfortunately, this time around, they were requiring me to actually physically go to the License place in order to renew my ID. 

*exhales* I would have preferred to have just done it online again. 
But I'm guessing they were assuming that I would want a more updated picture of what I look like or something.

In any case.

I put it off.

Like the procrastinator I am.

Though hey, at least I didn't wait until the day of my birthday to go do so. 

So at least I got my license renewed before it expired.

But gah. It was a bit of a process to get it.

Too many steps in a thing makes me want to do it less.

And's easy enough to go online and look at the application and try and schedule an appointment.

But there is a slight issue with the renewal application.

In the little tiny fact that I needed to bring the physical copy to the building with me.

AKA print it out.


I haven't owned a printer in a good ten years or so.

Not since college.

I mean I never need to print anything out anymore. So why would I have a random printer in my house?

I wouldn't.

And so I was like "Whelp. This is too hard." And procrastinated it for another two weeks or so.

But I knew the deadline for my license to expire was quickly coming up.


Today since I had to the day off of work, I bit the bullet and signed up for an appointment.

But I also had to get that stupid physical form filled out.

I nearly decided to take my chances and just show up at the place paperless and ask if they had copies there I could use.

I didn't.

I ended up emailing my application to my work's email as we most definitely have a printer there.

Originally I was going to just print out a blank form and fill it out later.

But then I realized you actually had to fill it out online and the print the filled out form. *exhales*

So yah.

Too many steps. Too many complications.

But I got the right form emailed.

And before my appointment I dropped by my work to print it out so I could take it with me.

And it's crazy....

How much you up and put off doing something out of the 'normal' 

And that out of the ordinary thing that you think is going to be this huge hassle....

Takes like ten minutes.

Like seriously. I doubt I was in the building for a full ten minutes before I had my license renewed with picture taken and eye test done. 

*shakes head*

Crazy how fast those things can go.

But hey! I'm legal still so woot. XD

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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