Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blue Knee

I need to learn to jump higher.

I'm not sure who came up with the idea.
But Kikay has this test called "the Friend test."
I think she got it from her friends.

But the general idea is to:
A) Yell "FRIEND TEST!" and then
B) Jump at the person.

Two results will happen.
1) The person will not catch you. -Therefore they aren't a real friend.
2) The person will catch you. -Therefore they are a real friend.

lol from experience/observation, its just used to 'tease' those who don't catch the person jumping at them.

We had a cousin come to visit.
And Kikay decided to do the Friend Test.
The Cousin gave her result 1. The first time. <- meaning we got to tease him mercilessly
He gave her result 2 the second time, though he was more prepared that time lol.

Well...I decided to give it a try.
Try the friend test on the cousin as well.
-I do the friend test rarely. Usually I jump at Kikay as an example to those who failed the friend test lol.
So I jumped at him.
But.....apparently I didn't jump high enough.
Because my left knee RAMMED into his left knee as I jumped.
It caused him to almost fall over (like I was really heavy.)
But he managed to catch and hold me lol.
But Eeeeoowww!! it sure did hurt both of us haha.
I think i basically ran my knee into a brick wall from how it felt afterwards.
I was worried that I'd torn a ligament/tendon/hurt my kneecap
from how it felt afterwards all tense and pain filled.
I think I just gave it a good jarring lol. And a Big bruise to follow.
I think its still forming.
But my above my kneecap and on my kneecap is turning a 'vein' blue color.
Meaning...I have hurt it bad lol. Blue means-deep. Blue-purple means OuCH!!
It was a bright blue color for a while
almost looking like a bunch of veins suddenly puffed up over my kneecap. just looks like a shadow is on my knee, but its turning purple lol.
And my cousin the Brick...His results from our knee encounter?
A little redness...but not any bruising.
I actually am quite happy that I have this big bruise forming lol. ^^;;;
I usually don't bruise that much. Unless I traumatize my skin by hitting it just the right way.
So i find it rather cool that my skin is bruising in such a spectacular fashion.
But I'm sure its going to hurt!!
Which is...not as fun...since I tend to remain 'hurt' longer mostly since I'm just skin and bones.
No nice fat or muscle to swaddle me in protection.
So..things hurt.

Perhaps I'd get hurt more often if I had the friend test done to me haha.
That hasn't happened
Since I'm rather small. :)
I'd drop them anyway, or tear my arms out of my sockets trying to hold them. ;)
I need to learn to jump higher.
or at least jump in such a way as to not ram my knee into any other knees lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was this pirate ship.
Filled with gold.
Mostly different types of gold Coins of all shapes and sizes.
but other treasure like objects as well.
We had a battle.
One flying sail ship to another.
Where we managed to tangle our sail into the pirates
and send it carefully into a pool of water.
I managed as the ship swirled towards the water to grab some coins.
And look at them.
They looked like teacup 50cent pieces.
But I decided to toss them.
Because I think it was rumored that the treasure was cursed.

And then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and i became myself again.


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