Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Dirty Brownie Dish Day

I made brownies a week ago.
All chocolaty, crumbly, and w/ strawberry frosting on top.
Sooo delicious!
(Seriously, if you haven't tried it. Put strawberry frosting on your brownies the next time you make them. They're ooober good!! Super ooober good!!)
Unfortunately, with this batch of brownies...
They were more in....wouldn't come out of the pan without leaving a mess on the pan sticky/crumbly.
I'm not sure why....perhaps I added in too much flour? Or else the 'nonstick' spray thing isn't working.
I thought spraying the pan would make it not stick...but it seems like the opposite happened.
By the end of the adventure of eating brownies.
We were left with a pan..that was full of brownie crust things.
The easy and simple means of cleaning a brownie pan.
(okay idk about the easy part)
Is to stick the tray in the sink. Fill it up with water -some soap too perhaps
and then let it soak for a bit, then dumb out the dirty mess and use a sponge to wipe it clean.
Well...I only got to the 'fill it up with water and stick it in the sink part
Before I took a detour.
You see....the sink faucet thingymababber in our apartment.
Has a sprayer attached.
:) I love the sprayer.
I find it fun to spray dirty dishes to cleanness
Instead of scrubbing them.
That way my hands don't get dirty and wrinkly.
(I hate doing dishes.)
And this tray.
Was the motherload of dirtiness.
With chunk of brownies still inside.
And I thought it would be rather disgusting.
To leave huge soggy bits of brownie mix in the tray for who knows how long.
(I tend to get distracted.)
*Gag* Thinking of those huge soggy bits of brownie...its just as bad as wet bread.
*gags* Ughalicious ickness.
Back on topic.
For kicks and giggles.
I decided to spray the brownie dish to pieces.
(Hmm I wish I had taken video of it. It was rather cool to a gross way.....chunks of brownies flying everywhere! :P lol)
So I sprayed the dish until it was filled with water and swimming bits of brownie.
And I was like "That is gross."
My first instinct was to just spray the bigger chunks so that they were loose in the water
-Easier to clean off when I dumped it out.
But staring at that murky water...
I didn't want to have to maneuver a thing full of ickysoggy brownie stuff to dump it out.
So I grabbed the sprayer.
Angled it just so.
And let loose!
I would compare the sudden ride the brownie remains took
to a whirlpool, rapids, and waterfall stage.
I shot the water into the corner of the pan. 
And created a whirlpool effect.
Since the force of the sprayer water hit the stagnant water and pushed it away...
Into a fun little circle sending all the brownie stuff on a ride.
Weee!! :P
Specifically I was focusing on areas with alot of brownie gunk.
Then I moved to the corner. 
 Where I angled the sprayer just so.
To send a constant spray of water over the edge of the brownie pan
in a white foaming mass of awesomeness.
So recap.
Whirling mess of brown stuff.
Now has an outlet away from the whirlpool.
So what do the brownie pieces do?
They follow the whirlpool to the outlet
And Ziiiingggg!!
Over the edge they go to crash into the sink and then go down the drain into nothingness.
But, it was interesting.
Because there were a few bigger chunks of brownies.
That would try to take the outlet.
But wouldn't make it...
So they'd fall back down into the whirlpool for another go around the brownie pan to try again.
and again
and again
and again
Until I changed the angle enough to shoot the poor piece out into the sink.
Sometimes I had water shooting out with such force,
that the water in the pan would drain away.
So I would have to pause.
Spray a different spot, let the faucet fill the pan back up again,
then start the chaos all over again!
The result.
A lot of time wasted in this simple entertainment plus, A clean pan :)

It was fun, and almost exhilarating.
I'm more awake now then I was before cleaning that pan for sure.

Perhaps when i confront every cleaning task i should think to myself

On to the next Great Adventure!
Adventure is out there! (quoting UP)
Just make the task seem like an epic adventure for all the different pieces involved.

Perhaps then, then....doing the dishes will be fun.
Only if I get to spray them to death, then that would be fun.
If it involves scrubbing...I'm totally going to go wrestle with the laundry instead. Or even my room.
The room sounds more intense.


Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

At one point it was like i was in a business meeting.
Some guy asked what day Aug the 5th was on
He had on a white shirt and tie.
I was like: I know!
So I started to say Tuesday.
But on Tues--I was like no, its not loud enough so I said

Really loud...out loud...I woke up saying that.
Then rolled over and went back to bed.
And dreamt I was in school again oddly enough.
It was like i was returning after a sudden catastrophe.
To find everything the way it was.....

Unfortunately...Aug the 5th is on a Friday, not a Tuesday
But I was right for July the 5th that was on a Tuesday :)


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