Thursday, July 21, 2011

Squeaky Clean

I snapped this photo about a month ago while I was on vacation with my family.
Well...I know that the sign meant that the hiking trail would leave the river bed (wash) and that we should follow the arrow if we wanted to reach our destination.
(Its a new sign on an old trail.)
But I read it differently.
The picture that came to mind was that the sign was showing where the leafs on the trail could go get cleaned up. After all a trail needs to look its best for everyday hikers and the leafs on all the plants should all look their best for those hikers.
So this sign leads to an area where all the trail leaves can wash themselves from the dirt and grime and insects in order to put on a nice green show.

Hopefully they didn't have to wash in this water.

Or perhaps because many many leaves washed in clean water the water now looks so dirty.
That would make more sense. 

See how dirty the water can get? Imagine all the leaves that came through here ;)

But in the end the results were fantabular ^^
And we saw many squeaky clean 'leaves' and flowers along the trail. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching those nicely washed leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream
What is about to follow are a lot of pieces of dreams that somehow made sense as I was dreaming them.

I was in this circular room with arch like windows and there was an egg in the center.
A dragon egg.

My grandparents had come over to visit us for Christmas. I came up the stairs and there they were.
I knew I'd already given them a Christmas present, but since they had made the effort to come over for Christmas I went into my sisters room and got out a pottery oil lamp I had made. Where I'd merged too pieces together in clay and it looked rather cool, the part holding the oil looked somewhat like a gravy dish or an ancient oil lamp without a top. with a bigger....scent cone looking top above it to funnel the light.
All made out of fired clay.
I wrapped it up in tissue paper and gave it to my grandma.
She knew what it was immediately and seemed to like the gift.

I had to go shopping to get stuff. So I went to the local Smiths/DI store
And I saw Easter stuff for sell. And i wanted to check out the stuffed animals.
But there didn't seem to be much of a selection left
and I ended up wandering around other parts (non food parts) of the store
I came across this miniature piano thing that looked alot like the mini piano Barry found in Storage Wars
But it wasn't in as good of condition.
the top keys and bottom keys -that had a paper/canvas fan type quality were broken off.
So I placed the keys back in their slots. and wondered if I could play.
And my grandma was suddenly there along with another old woman...she was grey haired and reminded me of that betty person on TV, my grandma turner, and other old ladies.... and they were willing to to play a duet.
Where the old woman would play the bottom half of the piano, my grandma the top.
But suddenly it was only the old woman playing the duet...the Harry Potter theme I think....and she was amazing at it.
But I said something and this other woman (idk if it was my grandma again or some other older lady) suddenly joined in with the betty woman and were playing.
Then i was back at my house
I came up the stairs to see most of my dads side of the family there.
And in my absence our Christmas tree...had gotten a hair cut.
It was in the corner by the front room window and the cabinetry case filled with mugs from Germany and such.
And my tree...well someone had mentioned earlier cutting off a few of the bottom branches to make it easier  water the tree.
But the tree had ended up being shorn about three feet up before the branches started again.
I thought it looked rather odd.

Then at the door there was an old man, i think he might have delivered pizza, but with his entrance things began to heat up.
For he claimed to be B----- (idr the name it began with a b) and that he was here to take such and such a thing.
I think he was after the dragon/egg.
And there was a whole conversation
I think involving the dragon...who could speak.
Where he was complaining that his young older brother was trying to still his thunder again.
It didn't make alot of sense. How could he have an older brother who was younger then him?
I think the dragons parents got divorced and they ended up remarrying other dragons and an older brother resulted from that because the parents first marriages somebody was born first in that family meaning they were older, even if they were younger. didn't make sense....
It was like 'some dragons age differently'

Anywho back to the tension. Grandpas brother claimed to be after something and he wanted it.
Or...he was trying to set things right by lying and saying my grandpa was the spy trying to destroy our family.
but my grandpa (old and dodgery) denied it saying "My name is Gerald, not B------, Gerald"
We were all looking at each other confused.
When it came out that my Dad was the spy.
It was....not a happy revelation.
Because our Dad was a German spy pretending to love us for the job, not because he did.
It broke my heart and I went over to my moms side and held her hand crouching down next to the coffee table by the Christmas presents.
How could he betray our family that way? worm his way into our lives and then just tear us apart like that?
But it kinda came out that my dad was...bipolar. He had two personalities.
He had his regular self and the grizzly Germany self.
The regular self had his hair dyed black.
The German self had let the hair turn grey.
So we could tell when he was warring with himself when he'd let himself go grey, suddenly dye his hair black again and then let himself go grey again.

my brother and sister.....or it might have been a cousin couple ended up running from the house and getting into our trailblazer.
This enraged my dad who went after them.
I knew his intention was to hurt them.
And that I had to do something to stop them.
So I ran outside and outstretched my hand.
basically forced my dad away from the car.
With a force field that couldn't be seen, but I knew it was there.
(at this point I was kinda 'out of body' There was a tall boy with curly hair, really curly hair that was brown young, and determined standing there)
My dad tried to get at the people, to get at everything, but he couldn't every time I outstretched my hand.
I ended up chasing him away down our street.
His plan and mission ruined.
I stopped at our mail box and opened it.
And inside were two snakes, and a new addition, a baby snake.
(I think the snakes were part of the reason my dad went crazy trying to attack the humans)
I brought them back into the house
and went into my sisters room where I tried to snuggle up with all the pets, snakes, cats, and dogs.
Without much success
Feeling really alone and unwanted knowing that our dad had betrayed us.

And then the holy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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