Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Midnight Goal for the Morning

For the past little while I've given myself a goal.
Every night when i go to bed, I tell myself "I'll get up when I wake up the first time. and be productive."
Every morning....I end up remaking this goal.
Because though I wake up...I don't get up. And I end up dozing back off.
More often then not. the Results are that I don't feel that great for the rest of the day.
Because of me not getting up right away.
....often I blame the window. It lets in the same amount of light whether its 8am or 11am.
It makes me feel like I'm in a 'timeless' place even though time is passing.
So last night, once again, I told myself I'd get up when I woke up the first time.
I would.
I totally would.
I wouldn't let myself doze back off.
This morning rolled around
And I gradually surfaced from my dreams.
Aware that it was lighter, behind my closed eyelids.
So I rolled over, cracked open my eyes to look at the clock.
To see what time I'd woken up.
7:00am stared back at me.
I mentally groaned and closed my eyes.
Nature was mocking me.
I had told myself I would get up.
I would.
When I 'woke up' the first time.
But come on...7am....its soo early! lol.
Why couldn't I have woken up at 9am?
.....Probably because I wouldn't have gotten up at 9.
I haven't when I've woken up at 9 the past few days....
So why would I today.
I took a breath. Okay 7am it is then.
That didn't mean I got up right away though.
I spent a good half hour debating with myself about getting up.
Basically, I took it easy.
Starting with blinking. Slowly.
To get my eyes used to being open,
To get them used to the light.
It was...not easy. My eyes wanted to remain shut, while the rest of me was waking up lol.
But I did it!
by 7:33 I was up and out of bed.
I got up! Woot!

Strike of Victory for Sarnic!
Bellow of Defeat from the Sandman.


Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

We'd moved into a new house.
It was on a hill, blue/grey in color, dark roof.
The front yard...was mostly big boulders in a terrace fashion.
With small strips of grass...maybe flowers.
It was hard to tell because there was a nice layer of snow on the ground.
We got into a white van.
It seemed like two men in missionary uniform were driving the van.
And we ran across this black kid riding his bike. He was around 8 or 9 years old.
And the two guys were debating about whether or not he was Mormon.
Finally one guy was like "He's wearing a helmet! Only Mormons wear helmets."
By this point we'd freaked the kid out pretty good.
Driving around him in our white van basically herding him around
He finally dashed to his house.
Where a very angry mother came out threatening us.
And we were like "No, we weren't hurting your son, we just wanted to ask him a few questions, see if he could help us."
Somehow...we ended up carrying groceries...

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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