Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Worn Out

You  may be wondering why there is a picture of a keyboard in this blog.
Well. Wonder no more!
I have the answer! :)
This is a picture of the keyboard of my laptop.
I've had this computer for 2 years now.
And by far, this laptop has been good to me :)

I just thought I'd mention the keys that are wearing away.

I've been rather curious lately.
Over my Keyboard.
I mean out of the 26 + all the other button keys.
Why are those five places wearing away before the others?

I really don't think its because I use those letters alot.
Sure I use E and S but M? I don't use M that often.
The spacebar I can understand because my right thumb is the thumb that pushes the space bar
(my left thumb does nothing but sit there and look pretty)

I halfway think the fading has to do with how I use my keys.
How I push the button in which way for how long.
Or perhaps those keys were made in a slightly different way at the factory.
So they wear away quicker.
I just found it interesting.
hmmm I see now.
Men are at the bottom of this wearing away!!
I blame them ;) haha

But there you go :)
Perhaps I'll be able to use this computer until all the key symbols disappear.
That would be entertaining to use afterwards lol ^^;;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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