Friday, May 24, 2013

A Handshake

Apparently you can tell a lot about a person from the handshake they give you.

At least, Kikay can. lol.

What happened?
Tawl and his wife wanted to meet up for dinner and they said I could bring a friend with me.

I didn't want to bring just anybody with me to the dinner. I mean. This Is Tawl, he's like a grandfather for me, and not just anyone would make the mark.
He's such a sweet soul, I wanted to bring someone with me that could see his sweetness and see how awesome he is.
So, I went to Kikay. :) I mean, who better to take with me than my sister?
Plus, since I talk about him a lot, I wanted her to get a better idea of who Tawl was and what he looked like.
lol Kikay was a bit hesitant. For she thought that 'a friend' should mean a guy.
Heh...I didn't think of that. Considered it. Discarded it.
Afterall..I don't really have any guy friends nearby to ask to come with me that I would want Tawl to meet. I mean. He's like family. I wanted him to meet more of my family.
Luckily Kim could come with me that night. ^^ Yay!! lol

I did worry that it would be awkward. Like we'd sit there silently and stare at each other.
I mean, this was my first time seeing Tawl outside of Starsmet.
Soo I wasn't quite sure that we'd be able to carry on a dinner conversation.

I needent have worried. ^^
We had a great-wonderful-awesome-any-other-positive-adjective time. Laughing, chatting, telling stories. It was great! Totally like I was with my grandparents. ^^

And Tawl was so sweet. When the check came, I offered to pay for our portion of the dinner.
But he waved it off.
It didn't really surprise me. He would do so many little kindnesses for me while at work, that while I was prepared to pay for dinner, he wouldn't let me.

After our goodbyes, Kikay and I took a moment to chat.
-I wanted to get her opinion of Tawl and his wonderful wife.

She was like "From the moment I shook his hand....I knew he would be paying for dinner. I could sense his loyalty, his kindness. I understand what you were talking about now."
I didn't know she could get all that from a handshake.
But I'm glad that she can see what I can see in him.

Ah. Such a wonderful time. ^^
I'm so glad that we were able to get together and just relax.
I can't wait to do it again. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I ran into Cinres at work, and asked him if he'd gotten the schedules in yet. He told me no, he hadn't yet, but I snuck into the office and saw the schedule system up on the computer. I did a quick glance at the green screen and saw numbers. 4 9 ...other numbers. I saw that yah, unfortunately I had to work Monday, I grabbed a pen and paper to write it down, got distracted though, I needed to go take a shower, so I left to go to one of the bathrooms at the camp, it was a weird place where there wasn't really a separation, there was just a shower head sticking out from the wall in a bathroom stall, granted the stall was like twice the size of a handicap stall, but it was just weird. And it was hard to stay private there, as the door wouldn't lock, and all these different people kept trying to come in so I was trying to shower while not looking like I was showering, I was glad to just get out of there and end up in a different place in the camp when....

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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