Saturday, May 4, 2013

An Artwork For Conversation

Each apartment needs a crazy conversation piece.
You start conversations.

Well it so happens that our conversation starter.
Is a cow.

It's a...picture that one of my new roommates created.
from cut out pieces of cloth.
So it's kinda pieced together.
And well...
Everyone comments on it when they enter.
And I can't blame them.
My first impression of it, was that it looked like a matador cow.
With a hat and cape and everything.
It's because the background...merges with the cow.
So it's hard to tell what is cow and what isn't unless you stare at it for a while.

Yah...Apparently the old roommates took it down...
Only to have the one who made it...put it back up again.
Which means...this cow isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
As I'm sure if we took it down again, she would put it up again.

The good news is that she's moving out in June.
So hopefully the cow goes with her.
Cus if it doesn''s going down anyway.

For now...just got to tolerate it.

The weird cow.
Once that comes down...
I'm going to see if the roomies will let me put my fan up.
As I think it's a better statement piece.

So this:

Will be replaced with this:

But that's in the future. :)
For now, the cow stays.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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