Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Waste of Grain

You know...
for being a bread loving person....
Bread should never go moldy at my place right?


I have a bit of a....bread block.
A Sandwich bread block.

Those poor loafs of bread.
I can't seem to eat them fast enough. all.
:( I had to throw away a whole loaf of bread the other day.
For it went moldy.
As I didn't get around to making any sandwiches in the past week.

I'm a snacky sort of person. (I'm sure I've mentioned this. ;) lol)
So I tend to go for the faster breads.
But Loafs of Bread...
Need to have stuff put on them.
And despite my best intentions...
That doesn't happen.
It's 'too much work.'
Which is rather pathetic. How much effort does it take to grab stuff from the fridge and place it on bread?
Alot apparently lol. As I haven't done it.
I mean I have the options here for different sandwiches.
Tuna, Egg, Ham & Cheese, PB&J
And there the loaf of bread sits.
With the ingredients unused.
tsk tsk.

Here's to try two.
In using a loaf of bread.
I'm just going to have to give up on the loafs,
until I find a roomie who wants to share one with me.
Or...find a different way to have sandwiches.
Like take out...yah...take out. ;) lol

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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