Saturday, May 18, 2013

Once A Day

I never thought it was fair that my pets should only be fed once a day.
I mean, we eat three meals a day
-Well not me, I just snack throughout the day ;)
But, if we get a breakfast time, lunch time, dinner time....
shouldn't our animals get the same?

I don't see how only eating once a day would be filling.
Healthier maybe.
But does it make sense that your pets always appear to be starving...because they are?

lol. I know that means we use food quicker.
But I can't resist.
If my pets look hungry,
I want to feed them.

And then they get fat.
Or they get their winter coats ;) It's an easier excuse when it's cold outside. lol.

Though, I do wonder.
Do fish get fat?
They seem to be constantly hungry too?

You see, living in my apartment...that doesn't allow mammals.
I only have a Beta fish. Named Phantasmic.

You may remember him as a picky eater.
Well he's not anymore!
I don't have to feed him blood worms.
lol. I bought the brand of pellet food that we feed the Betas at Starsmet,
And gave him some.
After a long long wait.
He Ate Them!
So Phantasmic isn't difficult anymore.
Which is great, as I was only remembering to feed him like every other day with the blood worms -they take forever to thaw, and I'm not keen on things that take too long.
And I was feeling bad that I was being such a neglectful owner.
So I'm glad he eats the pellets.
As I can now be a great owner!
Who feeds their Beta basically every time I enter the room.
(only a slight exaggeration)
And don't worry I'm not over feeding him. I make sure he eats all his pellets first before I give him more.
I mean...the longer I can get away without cleaning the tank, the better right? ;)
-I'm not a perfect owner.

But hey...I feed my pets multiple times a day. So that counts for something right? :) lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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