Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Almost Skipped...

There's an unofficial tradition in my neighborhood.
I think it's traditionally a tradition in most neighborhoods,
Where, before Christmas, the neighbors start giving gifts to each other.
Usually it's food. Cookies, bread, cheese ball (oh how I love that cheese ball ^^) among other things. :)
It's a fun tradition, one where it has it's moments in 'liking it'

My family has done various things in the past. From homemade suckers to fruit baskets and nuts.

But one of my favorite memories involves a moment when we didn't give.

You see, each year we have a set of houses we give stuff to. Depending on funds, time,  and who's already given us gifts, we give presents in return. As well to most of the houses on our street.

But one year, we decided to skip a house that hadn't given us anything in return (that I can recall) since we first started leaving stuff for them on their door.
I don't remember the reasoning behind why we decided to forgo giving a gift... maybe the one stated above, maybe something completely different.

That year. We skipped their house.
And, to our surprise.
They actually reached out to us and gave us a gift.
Seriously, we were surprised.

lol and of course we scrambled to give them a return gift. -luckily we had extras of whatever we were giving that year. For which I'm extremely grateful. I dislike not being able to reciprocate gifts in return.

And since that one year,
they have continued to give us a neighbor gift each Christmas. ^^

It's been awesome really.
I mean, my family hardly ever...if almost never interacts with this home. I know very little about them. Beyond their name, and who lives in the house.
-And that their driveway makes a great runway to get your bike going really fast down the street...

Yet, every Christmas, we take the time to give each other a little something.
And it seriously brightens my day. ^^ 
lol Since that one year I've made sure that we've included them in the list.

I mean, our gifts must mean something to them,
It's probably something they look forward to each year.
As when we don't do our neighbor gifts in a timely fashion, they've tended to fuel the 'we must send out neighbor gifts!' passion. At least for me.

It's just made me think...that sometimes, little acts. Like giving a plate of fruit or suckers to a quiet home in the neighborhood, can mean the world to someone.
It also is a lesson to me, that even if it appears we're getting nothing in return...it's a good idea to continue to give to others.

This story ends happily because they were spurred into action that one year. To give back to us.
But, what would have happened if they hadn't been?
Would our gifts to them be a forgotten joy?
One thought fleetingly, wishingly about every Christmas time?
Would we have given them a gift next year? Or written them off?

Who knows.
But I do know that, that didn't happen.
We've continued exchanging gifts.

And I think it brings joy to both sides. ^^ Happiness, Smiles.
"They remembered us!" I'm sure both sides exclaim. :)

It's a great feeling. One I hope to continue for years to come. ^^

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

...involved a tree house. Building one? Wanting one? I don't remember, but I do know that we had to wander through our whole backyard to try and find the perfect tree, and the guy looking to build first thought that one of our Almond trees was great, until he realized it was a split trunk, and that would make it unstable. Then he went to the busy hazelnut tree -so me and my dad thought, suggesting we build there. I didn't like that idea, it wasn't a 'tree house' location in my mind, but the guy had actually meant the huge pepper tree we had in between the almond and hazelnut trees. (that we don't actually have) and that it was perfect for building in...which he commenced building...

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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