Sunday, December 1, 2013

Avoiding The Crazy

I know I've spent like...three posts talking about Black Friday,
But if all goes well, this should be my last post related to the subject....til next year.

You know what's weird?
Working a Black Friday.

It came with a lot of anxiety for me last year,
Because I didn't know what to expect.
I'd heard the tales. The mobs. Etc.
But last year, I saw a different story. Like 20 people, waiting outside the doors (in the freezing cold as I recall)
And it wasn't too busy after that...though I remember having a short shift last year so I avoided it all.

This year.
I hear it was super busy.
And I'm a bit disappointed that I wasn't scheduled to work the opening shift. When all the crazy happened. Because I wanted to see the crazy.
I hear there were 50 people or so waiting outside this year.
Probably because it wasn't that cold.

And then, There was a rush. like a constant stream of people going through the registers...sometimes three or four registers at once, for like...4 hours. O.o

Totally crazy!

And lucky me,
I came in on the tail end of the mad rush.
So I only had to deal with the crazy for like thirty minutes before it died down to a more normal Friday rush.

We did great business throughout it all. ^^ We had the number one sales in our district for Black Friday ^^ Woot.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Me and my family had the ability to travel between different worlds. Though each 'passage' came with its own risks. Some worlds we hadn't visited recently and so they were a bit more rundown, risky, and well...old in their methods. Anciently old. Others were sleek, fancy, and futuristic as those worlds had more travel and so methods to get to that world quicker were a price. Certain rulers now controlled those portals, and made people pay to travel. They were in effect, trying to shut down the 'between worlds' commerce and keep everyone on their own planet. But me and my brother, were trying to prevent that. My parents and sister escaped through a portal before the Queen after them found them. It was one of those risky portals, where we weren't sure if it would really work because it was so rickety. Unfortunately, we didn't get through unscathed, as the Queen caught up to us as we were attempting to go through, and turned us into finches. My brother wasn't dissuaded from it. He'd taken a class from the Queen -it's a magic thing, like Hogwarts- and had had the transformation done on him before, so he was used to it. Unfortunately, you can't use magic on yourself to change back, you have to have someone else change you. Which is difficult...if the person who changed you isn't willing to change you back. As it's difficult to tell people that you're meant to be human and not a bird. Still, we had to try, we had to find our family....and survive getting caught by the Queen....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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