Monday, December 23, 2013

October 1997 General Conference Priesthood Session

M. Russell Ballard -Standing for Truth and Right
  • It may not always be easy, convenient, or politically correct to stand for truth and right, but it is always the right thing to do. Always.
  • Standing for truth and right is not solely a Sunday thing.
  • If we are not careful, today's secret combinations can obtain power and influence just as quickly and just as completely as they did in Book of Mormon times.
  • Many of you young men of the Aaronic Priesthood may find yourselves on the front line of a battle against those who intend to do things that are morally wrong. I do not believe that you can stand for truth and right while wearing anything that is unbecoming one who holds the Priesthood of God.
  • I know it is sometimes hard to stand for truth and right. Yet we need to be positive examples if we are to help others find a better way.
  • Dealing with crime is very complex. However, there are some simple things that we can do in our day to prevent others from drifting toward gangs and crime. We can avoid the temptation of being cliquish at school or at church. All of us can refrain from finding fault or alienating anyone by our words or actions. Nothing is more hurtful than to feel left out or made fun of. therefore, we must never do anything that may drive others toward being accepted by a gang because they feel rejected by us.
  • Make friends with your neighbors, watch out for each other.
Keith B. McMullin -"Behold the Man"
  • Hold fast.
  • Those who are "faithful unto the obtaining these two priesthoods ... and the magnifying their calling ... become ... the church and kingdom, and the elect of God."
  • The world uses age as a means of defining one's readiness for manhood.
  • The world also uses age to establish when a man is sufficiently wise and responsible to vote, to make contracts, to be held fully and legally accountable. We call this the age of majority, the time when one ceases to be a minor.
  • Because youth and age are so visible in the Aaronic Priesthood, we could mistakenly assume they somehow determine the powers and effectiveness of this priesthood. Remember, please remember: In the Church, it is worthiness and the power of God that qualify men for the work. Expectation, opportunity, and service contribute more to one's growth than do birthdays. In the kingdom of God, the age of majority begins with ordination.
  • How we view him has a bearing on how he views himself
  • In the eyes of God, there is more power and authority in the hand of an Aaronic Priesthood bearer than there is among all of the world's rich, famous, and influential people. Their works will end; his will not.
James E. Faust -Pioneers of the Future: "Be Not Afraid, Only Believe"
  • Become pioneers of the future.
  • Action is inhibited by fear.
  • Seeking acceptance from the wrong source brought untold misery and pain.
  • We can overcome all of our fears, not all at once, but one at a time. As we do so we will grow in confidence.
  • Believing involves faith and good works. We cannot be passive; we must actively avoid evil.
  • Families in this day and time should not only avoid evil but avoid the very appearance of evil.
  • How corrosive is the daily diet of pornography, immorality, dishonesty, disrespect, abuse, and violence that comes from so many sources. If we are not careful it will shake our spiritual moorings. Once we internalize these evils, it is very difficult to purge ourselves of them.
  • The brain won't vomit back filth. Once recorded, it will always remain subject to recall.
  • My dear brethren, all of us, young and old, must constantly guard against the enticements of Satan.
  • We are the pioneers of the future. Let us go forth like the armies of Helaman and build the kingdom of God. like the royal army, let us be "united, bold, and strong, ... marching forth to conquer on life's great battlefields."
Thomas S. Monson -Home Teaching-- a Divine Service
  • "Where the President is, there is strength, and to know that he is with us and is presiding is a strength to the entire Church."
  • In performing home teaching responsibilities, we are wise if we learn and  understand the challenges of the members of each family. A home teaching visit is also more likely to be successful if an appointment is made in advance.
  • "If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend."
  • "Above all, be a genuine friend to the individuals and families you teach."
  • A friend cares. A friend loves. A friend listens. And a friend reaches out.
  • "People are somewhat like the coals of a fire. Should they absent themselves from the warmth and spirit of the active church membership, they will not contribute to the whole, but in their isolation will be changed. As with the embers removed from the heat of the fire, as they distance themselves from the intensity of the spirit generated by the active membership, they will lose that warmth and spirit."
  • "People are more important than the embers of a fire."
  • Live not to be served, but to serve; not to receive, but to give.
Gordon B. Hinckley -Some Thoughts on Temples, Retention of Converts, and Missionary Service
  • We are determined, brethren, to take the temples to the people and afford them every opportunity for the very precious blessings that come of temple worship.
  • There are people who are joining the Church against the advice of friends and family. This is a big step for them, and they should be supported at this critical time.
  • You cannot disregard the converts.
  • Walk in the sunlight, strength, and virtue of self-control and of absolute integrity.
  • Education is the key that unlocks the door of opportunity.
  • I say what has been said before, that missionary work is essentially a priesthood responsibility. As such, our young men must carry the major burden. This is their responsibility and their obligation.
  • We do not ask the young women to consider a mission as an essential part of their life's program. Over a period of many years, we have held the age level higher for them I an effort tot keep the number going relatively small. Again to the sisters I say that you will be as highly respected, you will be considered as being as much in line of duty, your efforts will be as acceptable to the Lord and to the Church whether you go on a mission or do not go on a mission.
  • I certainly do not wish to say or imply that their services are not wanted. I simply say that a mission is not necessary as a part of their lives.
  • May you look upon the Church as your great and good friend, you refuge when the world appears to be closing around you, your hope when things are dark, your pillar of fire by night and your cloud by day as you thread the pathways of your lives.
Until you next read these words
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at work, dealing with all the crazy customers, and our shipment of bugs and reptiles had just come in, a towering monstrosity that was nearly double my height. And then to add to it, my manager got a call saying that the corporation had decided that our store needed to change locations, and move down the street to where the old Banfield hospital had been. Now. Immediately. I couldn't understand it, why were we suddenly being forced to move when our location had been great before. Plus, I was totally left at a loss of what to do with the bugs and reptiles. They couldn't stay in their boxes indefinitely, but if we were moving...they wouldn't do well with the cold, and besides, none of the mangers were telling me what our plan was. Were we moving right then? Or later?

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away...
and I became myself again. :)


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