Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Merry Christmas!! :)
It's finally here!

^^ I have to say, I may have gotten a bit carried away getting presents for everyone this year.
I totally spent waaay too much money.
But it was totally worth it. ^^
To see the expressions of surprise, joy, excitement on people's faces?
Totally Awe-some!

and I did something a bit different this year with presents.
At least with my family.
I actually got them stuff they wanted.

I know. Weird right? least I got them presents and they already knew what they were getting.
As...>.> Some of my family, are very good guessers.
And others...I was like "I'M TOTALLY GETTING YOU THIS FOR CHRISTMAS!" Over text. ^^;;

But don't worry.
I haven't gone completely mad.

I gave two presents.
One they were able to guess right off the bat.
The other.. *grins*... well, they were harder to guess.
^^ Hehe.

Yes. I love giving presents.
I love getting them in return.

And I gots lots of presents! From books, to sketchbooks/pencils, to giant chocolate bars, to movies, to games, to posters, to more candy, to magic tricks, to clothes. Ah. The list can go on and on and on.

Like...I got a new Laptop! And I'm typing from it now! ^^
Can I say it's taking a bit of getting use to? Because it is. leg keeps imagining that it's getting hot...because it's used to my old laptop's fan getting hot. This one though...has no fan. O.o So I'm having like...imaginary 'hot flashes' from the other laptop. O.o
There, but not forgotten. lol. *shakes head*

But you know the oddest thing I got?
An Amazon gift card. O.o

lol Why do I consider this odd?
Because well...I've never gotten one before.
...I'm not quite sure what to do with it. What to buy with it. I'm afraid of buying the wrong thing actually. O.o Honestly...I've given these to family in the past, but I've never got one for myself before. O.o What do I do with it?!!?

Buy something of course. I just need to figure out which thing to buy..... :S Choices. Choices. Choices. AAAAHHHHH!!!!...

^^ lol
Yes, the next few days should be fun. ^^ Weeeeee

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was walking past this a tunnel maybe? But it was a path with green plants and such, when I happened to look over and see a whole bunch of old gold and silver coins laying in a puddle of water...a stream? I started excavating them, worried that I wasn't going to be able to keep them....

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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