Sunday, December 15, 2013

Little Roommate Quirk Annoyances

I've decided long ago, that there are some aspects to my roommates that I'll never comprehend.
I mean, I've had roommates that are similar to them in the past, so I kinda know what to expect from them, but I don't understand why they do what they do.
For example.
The Kitchen.
A place of wonderful food smells, creativity, and a merry environment.
But also a place of dirty dishes and messes.
My roommate, is one of those people who doesn't like a 'dirty' apartment.
Which would include dishes in the sink, stuff on the table, etc.
She will say "Sorry for the mess."
When honestly, I doubt anyone would notice that it was 'messy'
As technically it's pretty clean.
So there are dishes in the sink, a couple of things on the counter.
That's pretty typical in my book of a kitchen.
But she...I think prefers the 'magazine' look of a home.
Which is just super annoying and stressful in my opinion.
I mean, the kitchen is pretty clean, the floors -of the nearby living room- aren't covered in random art projects. If you can see most of the floor, and use nearly all of our sitting space without having to move stuff around, surely it's clean.
Having a roommate that has 'higher standards' isn't what bugs me. I know how they work, why they work, and honestly I've just become a bit numb to the whole thing.
"Oh look my roommate has rearranged the living room again." "Oh look, my stuff has been moved from one place to another place."
It's pretty normal when I come home to find that.
There are little things that bug me.
1. Putting stuff away in random spots without telling me where they placed it.
I don't mind you moving my stuff, but if I have to ask you where you stuck's a problem.
Often times I don't ask. There are few places to put certain objects, but when I do. I don't like it.
2. Placing stuff in the doorway of my bedroom.
Seriously, couldn't you walk in three more steps and place them on my bed or on my desk?
(I honestly don't know if I would like them doing this either, probably not.)
But I really don't like it all being left in my doorway like a 'present that nobody wanted.'
I'm sure one of these days I'm going to come home and not see the item, step on it, and break it.
It's more annoying when it's not even my stuff. *rolls eyes* -The problems with having a bunch of inheritance from older roommates left in the apartment. If my two current roommates know it's not theirs, they assume it's mine. Texting would probably be an easier method. "Hey, Sarnic, we found these two sponges -yellow and blue- in the kitchen, are they yours?" "Nope. Old roommate's." "Okay." Instead of leaving them like a orphan baby at my doorstep.
And then today's annoyance. 3.
I opened up my food cupboard to find that my roommate had stuck a couple of dirty dishes in there.
DIRTY DISHES. Sure they're mine. But seriously. AMONG MY FOOD? Just stick the dirty dishes where the clean ones are or something. I get that they're mine, I get that I need to clean them. But stick them in the sink, or in a pile on the counter, or even in the dishwasher for candy cane's sake. I once had a roommate who'd stick them in the oven. (hers not mine).
 I don't place their dirty dishes in their food cupboards! (of course, they do their dishes. The problems of hating that chore I suppose.)
And the annoying thing was...I can't do anything about it right away because we had company about to descend upon us. And with a dishwasher already full of clean dishes, and a sink my roommate wanted crystal clean, and no space in the 'clean dishes' in their cupboards, I just left them there, for now.
But oh, when said company leaves, I think I'm going to have a little talk with my 'clean' roommate. (which I'm sure will involve "Well, Do Your Dishes Sarnic!" on my end of things.)
Honestly though, why my food cupboard?

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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