Friday, August 29, 2014

Brush Wars

Sometimes I really don't like the quirks of my roommates.
Some, positively alright with.
Particularly if they involve touching or moving my stuff...
Really gets on my nerves.

For the most part I'm fine, tolerating it.
But it seems like my toleration levels are getting lower as time goes by.

In any case.
One of my roommate's quirks,

Is that of a bit of OCDcleanliness in the bathroom.

You see, I like to leave things out.
Particularly my hairbrush.
You know, easy access and such, so I can give a quick brush and be on my way.

Well, for some reason my roommate has a thing against hairbrushes.
As, whenever I left my brush out on the counter by the sink.
She would move it to a drawer.
Any random drawer.
So that when I came in the morning to use my brush.
It was no where to be seen.
And I'd have to open various drawers to figure out where she put it this time.
>.< Rather annoying.

I mean, It's just a brush.
Does she have something against the hair in the brush?
Does she not want reminders that she's sharing an apartment with others?
Who knows.
All I know is that she kept moving it, when I didn't want it to be moved.
Really. I don't touch her stuff. She shouldn't touch mine. >.<

So what could I do to leave my brush out without resorting to a 'paper notes war' with her?

And I figured, she likes things 'organized' to look nice.
A brush laying out doesn't look nice.
But what if it was out and 'put away?'

That's when I came up with it.
Those little 'tooth brush' cup holder things.
Usually divided to hold multiple brushes or whatever.
Surely I could find one that would fit a brush handle.
and then I would have the added bonus of having a place to put my toothbrush too. (as she likes to move that one around as well if I forget to put it away.)

So, I went out,
And found a cute little holder that would hopefully fit my brush handle and brought it home.
Lucky for me it did. ^^ It looked nice, looked 'put away' but still gave me quick access.

I waited until after she went to bed before setting it up. As she would move it in the mornings before I woke up.
And went to bed.
Waking up, wondering if I would have to hunt for my hairbrush, toothbrush, and holder.

Only to find,
that I had solved the problem! ^^;;
My brushes had not been moved.

Yay!! :D

One problem silently solved.
Only about a dozen more to go while I get used to this new set of roommates. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I walked into a shop or sorts, a place I used to work at that Bread? Icecream, some sort of food that I loved (it kept changing) and as I waited for my turn to order -I let other people go ahead of me- I noticed this guy, shaved head, closely shaved beard in a hoodie watching me. Why? Because he recognized me, he knew me, though we'd never met before. Because he had had a vision, and I apparently, was going to bring about his downfall, kill him. And he wasn't going to let me do that without a fight. So he pulled out a gun and grabbed me by the neck and tried to shoot me point blank in the back, we twisted in a circle with him shooting a handgun like a machine gun, only...they all missed me. Why? Because I had a special ability, where I couldn't get hurt. I had a sort of force field that protected me when I knew I was in danger. So instead the bullet's ricocheted around the store, unfortunately hurting others, as that was a side effect. I couldn't control where the bullets would go, they would hit my barrier and head in a different direction, so other people would get hurt or die while I lived. I managed to get away from the man and broke into a run, trying to lose myself in the crowds outside, jumping onto a float to hide. But the float I'd chosen was full of kids, and they were doing a play and the adult protector pulled me out to participate in with them, though I wasn't wearing any yellow whatsoever, and hardly looked like I belonged with the kids. I participated anyway, desperately hoping that the man wouldn't find me, but he did. I dodged back, trying to distract the crowd by pulling out lollipops and throwing them out like a lollipop rainstorm. But the man, wasn't dissuaded, and my power, had a lack, if I wasn't aware I was in danger, then I could still get hurt. And this guy, managed to sneak up and shoot me in the back of the leg, again in the shoulder, again in the leg. I broke away from the children, limping, in pain, trying to get out of danger where people wouldn't die while I lived as my boundaries came back up to protect me.
I ended up escaping him, ended up in my parent's bathroom where I struggled to clean up from my wounds -which apparently either didn't penetrate or I was a quick healer- but I kept breaking things in the bathroom as I was both trying to clean up myself and pack up things that I didn't need or still needed into different boxes when really all I was trying to do was take a quick shower when.....

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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