Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Internet Connection

Have you ever reached that point, where you're so tired that you can't really think?
Yah...that's how I've felt the past couple of days that I've been internetless. >.<

Seriously, I had to be mentally exhausted because it took me two days to realize that the solution I was looking for to get my internet established in my new place...was so simple.

The first evening -move in day- was easily enough explained. Little sleep, lots of moving, heat, stress...obviously I wasn't in a good 'think of other options mood." I did go grab a wireless router because my current laptop doesn't have a hookup for an Ethernet cable. (which I had from my first year of college.)
And thought "hey plug it into the wall, in this google fiber jack in the hallway and walla! Internet!"
It didn't work.
I couldn't get the internet to connect.
Tired as I was, I put it down to my laptop being the problem, as whenever I try to hook up internet....the laptop is always the problem. And since it was late at night. I couldn't really call anyone to help.

The next day, after work, I tried again. With some help.
Only to discover, too late. That I couldn't plug into the google fiber jack because you need a google fiber box to plug into the jack before you can plug the router into the box.
>.< (so stupid, why would they even do that? )
And calling the company had been no help at all, because they said that I had to set up an account...and I thought that this was free....sooo I was missing something.
Unfortunately. >.< I discovered this problem AFTER the office had closed for the day.
Meaning, that once again I would have to rely on my phone to keep me connected to internet land.
Still, I had to try something. So I grabbed my old laptop as it had an Ethernet port, and a cable, and found, after a bit of struggle (telephone jacks aren't the same size.) figured out where my Ethernet port was in my room and plugged in! have the connection not work >.<
It kept trying to connect, but the effect was only a second. Connect, not connected, connect, not connected. No matter what I tried....nothing.
My last hope. Gone.
I would have to wait til today to do something about it.

Again. I was super tired, long day of work, stress of unpacking internet....not good.

But then today.
I got a facebook message that cleared everything up for me. (hoping that they would answer via facebook faster I went to the apt's page to ask them about the internet, they didn't answer til this morning though.)

And they mentioned that they had two internet services.
Google Fiber,
and then a free internet.
Google I would have to set up an account with them. (Totally stupid, as apparently they don't set up for the entire apartment 'business' but to 'individual homes.' Lame. Why not just provide google already set up!)
But the none fiber internet, you could access through any of those Ethernet ports.

That's when realization struck.

*bangs head against wall.*
I double checked this, by calling the office, and whadoyaknow? That was what I could do.

See how tired I've been the past couple of days.
If I'd been more on my game I would have realized. "Hey, plug router in here, try that."
But I'd come into the apt assuming that we'd have google fiber already installed and ready to use. I didn't expect there to be an access anywhere else, though my sister had mentioned she'd been using a Ethernet cord to use the internet.....
But when google fiber didn't work. I figured that was it.
It wasn't.
But I didn't know there were TWO internet lines >.<
Soo confusing.

But the end result was I got home, plugged it all in and hooked up everything and


Finally! ^^

So Happy! :D

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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