Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Finding Music

Most of the time, when I look up music to listen to all the lyrics in a song,
I tend to go find versions of the songs that are just the words scrolling across the screen.
Because, really, I just want to know what the song actually says before I buy it.

But for some reason,
the other day, I took to watching the official music videos from the artists who sing the songs.

Talk about a different experience.
To hear a song on the radio, sung in a certain way.
and then to find, that often the music video portrays something completely different from what you expected.

In many ways those music videos have me quickly looking for non official ones with just words,
But in others.
I watch fascinated.
As a different perspective opens up to me.

"Wow, I wouldn't have pictured this song taking place in the Civil War....but totally makes sense."

It's a quick glimpse into the vision of the artist, these music videos.
A chance for them to portray the song to the story that they want to tell that isn't always visible through their words.
Which really, makes me want to buy the song even more.
And then there are other videos where I totally disagree with what they did.
O.o the music video doesn't make sense with the song.

In any case.
Music Videos.
They can actually tell a good story. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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