Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Day in Review - January 14th

Saturday January, 14th 2006

- My family and I went to Arches National Park for a vacation. (crazy, I know, to do in the middle of winter.) On this day we were hiking around the Devil's Garden area, going all the way out to Dark Angel (a favorite hike of mine.) While the rest of the family rested for a bit along the way, my dad went exploring and found some petroglyphs he'd been trying to find for years and years. He came back to show us, and I ended up making up a story about some of the images I saw involving a successful hunter named Cainneth (my love interest), a Sorcerer named Juress (who wanted me, but I didn't like him.) and their battle to win my affection (Juress used bear like goats to try and kill Cainneth.) And that we ended up being separated only for us both to be reborn in the current century and I'm searching for him still. (yep I'm creative like that. ;) lol)  

Wednesday January, 14 2009

-"Did the usual MWF school things." My semester classes this time around included ASL, Anthropology, English (where I forgot to read a chapter, but it wasn't due that day, but I was mad at myself still for forgetting.) and Finally History. Where all the drama went down because my crazy teacher wanted us to read 3. I repeat that THREE newspapers before her class. (USA Today, Deseret News, and The New York Times) Why? Because she may give us pop quizzes on what current events happened that day. She said it would mostly be the first page, but occasionally she would take from inside pages to. So basically read three whole newspapers before her class. An impossible task for me because my classes started at 8am (and the daily newspapers didn't always arrive at that point.) and I had classes straight until hers with barely enough time to make it to her class on time. It wasn't going to happen. And I really didn't like her for it. (I did manage to do it, but still hated that.) I came home from school to find my Roommate Hai being beastly about the cleanliness of the kitchen (again) and I actually got to talk to my Roommate Jac for a bit about American Idol, so I felt we connected for a bit.

Thursday January, 14th 2010

-I had my three Institute classes today, walking in the chill morning air to get there. My first class I discovered that Sister T had the same cancer that my mom did -Lymphoma- and in Dating and Courtship we talked about all the names we'd get throughout our lives, and I quietly wondered if when people call us by the wrong name....if it's actually a right name for us....or they just call us by the wrong name lol. (Like Rachel, people will call me that randomly.) I also had my New Testament class. I ran into my friend Rainy, and like three other people wearing the same neon green "Devotional at 12" shirts so I felt like I was part of a secret club. My friend Kristin and I drove to go see "The Mission" at the school at 6pm for our sociology class, only for the sound not to be working so it had to be postponed. On our way back we had to detour because of a bad accident blocking the intersection to our apartment. Kristin told me it was bad because the ambulance and fire truck were positioned in such a way that passing traffic wouldn't be able to see. We ended up driving past it and I saw that the accident involved a bus. I never found out more than that...(which bugs me, I like knowing how the story ends!)

 Friday January, 14th 2011

-My morning class was cancelled today due to the teacher being sick, so I ended up hanging out with my friend Kristin until I had Chemistry. I met up with Kikay and Dan for the Friday Devotional. (idk if he and I were dating yet by this point..) The three of us ended up trying to go Ice Skating later that night (after playing games right before) with the Institute, but it ended up being too crowded. However, I ran into my friend Case....and the situation just got....well awkward. As he'd gotten me a frozen hot chocolate to share with him (there were two) But I had come with other people, and I didn't know what to do, if I should invite him with us....or not....I ended up not. (Kikay said that Dan was getting Jealous of it all) But I still felt really bad about it all....I hadn't told Case I'd be by myself, so I was a little miffed that he'd assumed....but also felt bad about "standing him up." too as we hadn't stuck around long...I basically took the frozen hot chocolate and ran.....
>.< Grr.... I hate complications like this. (boys make everything complicated...)

Saturday January, 14th 2012

-I ended up tossing and turning the night before with a major headache that would not go away. It was bad enough that I ended up making friends with the toilet at some point. The pain finally went away when I took an Excedrin around noon. I basically spent the day in my pjs having not gotten up until 2. DavFul dropped by to give Kikay cookies for doing an art project for him, and I chatted with him for a bit. I also watched the Miss America pageant. Wisconsin won.

Monday January, 14th 2013

-"I think dentists like to Torture people. Cus it kinda felt like Torture today getting six cavities filled. My mouth is always sore afterwards, plus the pressure, and the gagging, and the hazard of having pieces of equipment fall into my mouth. Overall...the experience went well. My mouth actually feels pretty good a bit better than before I got the teeth fixed." I also took my dog Pepper to the Starsmet in Centerville to check the place out as it was brand new. ()_() talk about TINY! That place was like 1/4th the size of my own store in Collegetown. It felt crowded and claustrophobic.

Tuesday January, 14th 2014

-I considered today to be a 'hectic' day of work. Why? Because Reth wasn't scheduled to come in until 1030 so I was 'opening by myself'. (ha. if only.) So I had to figure out how to get everything opened by myself. Which I managed to do, mostly, Reth showed up before I was done, but she was impressed at how well I handled things. I also think she was impressed that I had already gotten myself a notebook. (She requested that I have a notebook to write things down so I remember them and could make myself lists and cross off tasks when I finished them. -this was more to humor her, I remember things just fine, I just don't always find the time to do the task given to me due to other tasks coming up that are more needful to be done.) I also went and saw Frozen today with my friend Andrea. It was a 'cute movie.' in my words. Then I took her to campus to show her around before we went to Sister T's class that evening. (I've taken Sister T a few times over the years.)

Wednesday January, 14th 2015

-It's amazing what a difference work can be in a year. For the past month or so I've been scheduled to open by myself. With no help coming in at 1030 like last year, no, it was 1:30 before I had another person in my department (this is going to change soon, soon we'll have two openers again.) But it wasn't as bad as other days when I don't have help come in until 2:30 or even until the end of my shift to take over. Thankfully it was a slow Wednesday (though I kept thinking it was Thursday) And I was able to get everything opened by noon, even with a full house of cats and bedding changes. :) The cool news of the day is that our store is now carrying a 125 gallon tank. Oh man. It's beautiful! I really want to get it though it costs like 2 months rent...and my apartment doesn't allow fishtanks that big. >.< Grr. But I spent most of the day daydreaming about all the fish I could put in that tank and how I could decorate it. (don't worry I was busy working while day dreaming.) I think my goal for when I move out of my current place is to find a place that will allow me to have a huge fishtank like that. It would be A-Ma-Zing. Yep. Goal in life now established. lol.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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