Friday, January 23, 2015

A Day In Review -January 23rd

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

-"Today was another typical school day. I had to get up for school. Though Kikay hogged the bathroom again so I couldn't get as ready as I wanted to be. I had theater, math, world civ, lunch and English with nothing interesting happening in them. Today was a slow day. Now I'm sitting in bed wondering what to do. I need to write in my other Diary about the dream I had last night, but I can't really remember it. Oh well, guess I can't put it off forever."
-Yep. That was my whole entry. lol.

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

-This entry is really hard to read. My handwriting is hardly legible at all. Why? Well, next day entry tells me that I was trying to write in my journal while watching a movie in the dark with my friend Kristin. In this case, multitasking didn't help.
From what I can comprehend, my history teacher is continuing to annoy me by assigning homework (I'm not  a fan of homework, pointless homework, even less so.) In that I had to read the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights. My Anthropology teacher will be gone for the next two weeks to be in Bolivia so our classes for those next two weeks were to be pre recorded. (I remembered this, my Anthropology class was one of those 'expanded classes' where students from all over the state would watch via webcam the lesson given to us in person at my school. But while he was gone he pre recorded his lectures so we basically sat and listened to our teacher talk, but couldn't ask him questions because he wasn't there.)
I went to the Institute Devotional and afterwards my roommates Jackie and Hailie took me to Café Rio for the first time as I'd never been there before. (They wanted to start a tradition of each month taking me to a food place I'd never eaten at before...I don't think we continued it after this time.) I wasn't all that impressed with the food (still am not, really.) After dinner I went to a deaf movie called "The Mountain Man." with a girl named Tiffany (Stefanie? can't read my writing...not sure who it is.) and I liked the movie. :)

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

-I slept in until nearly noon this day before reading "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens or my Sociology class. I did so, so that I could read a fantasy book without feeling guilty I suppose. I heard a car accident outside my window, and watched the proceedings for a bit. It was nothing major, a fender bender, but my curiosity kept me at the window for a bit.
This day also marked me finishing my 4th Journal, so I would be starting a new fresh journal on the morrow.
(I'm currently writing in Journal #12 to show how much I've written in the intervening years. Usually each journal I buy lasts me around 6 months before I run out of pages and have to get a new one. :) )

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

-"Woke up from a CSI styled dream to go take a shower and drive to church. Dan (may have become my bf by then? no idea) tried to tickle me in Sunday School on the neck, it didn't work. In Sacrament I received my Institute Graduation Diploma. :D (Sooo exciting!) Came home and worked on writing and such. Actually had the first home teachers ever come visit me and Kikay tonight! (My first year hometeacher didn't quite count as he was my roommate's fiancé) We went to Ward Prayer before Dan came over and we watched Despicable Me. Totally wasn't as good of a movie as Megamind was. :)"

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

-I had a 7am meeting this morning for my Institute Council. It was waaaaay too early, (ha talk about change, 7 am is often when I have work nowadays) but I had a bit of a problem today with the council group, mostly because I was feeling jealous as our Presidents decided that they wanted to start doing spotlights on some of the council members and I was jealous that I hadn't been picked for the first group, and I feared that I would be in the last group as I considered myself to be a wallflower and an intruder to the rest of council. It was dumb (recognized so in my journal) to be jealous but I couldn't help but feel that way. (I did get wasn't as I wanted it to be....but it did happen at some point in the future) I ended up taking a 45 minute nap in between the meeting and my class up in a quite corner of the institute building before going to my World Religions class and talked about Jainism, Ehtics "where we got ethical and debated about stuff I'm too tired to remember." Then was Phys of Interpreting where we discussed how advanced we were, because we can move our thumbs across our palms. Apparently monkeys can't do that. They can only move their thumbs up and down. I ran into one of my Teachers and we ended up chatting a bit about me taking the Performance Certification test to get my Certification as an interpreter (I was still waiting for the results, I'd already taken it though...recently (looking back I took it on the 21st and it would be a couple of weeks before I got my results back) I confided that I felt confident in how I took the test and that I felt I'd done fine. My teacher confided back that they'd failed the test twice before passing it and that most students fail 2/3 components of the test (Voicing, Signing, And Both) and that they felt confident as I had the advantage of having done an internship where I was already interpreting.
(Spoilers....I failed it. All three components. Took it a second time, Failed it again all 3 components...didn't take it again after that point, I intended to do a third time, but fell in love with my job at Starsmet instead.) Later that evening while my roommates went to FHE I went to my CCC class where the teacher asked me to talk about taking the test, so I did. "I don't know how clear I was but it was fun to be the center of attention for a little bit."
I also applied for Graduation today. ()_() :S Now I just had to wait to see if I was accepted to graduate or not. (I was.)

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

-I had a morning shift at work that went well, but when I came home and took a nap, I figured I ended up sleeping too long as I ended up with a headache. :( So I spent the rest of the evening trying to get rid of it again. We as roommates ended up holding a 'Froggy Funeral' later in the day as our apartment frog -an African Dwarf Frog- Horatio, had died during the night. :(
I also tried some lamb today for possibly the first time, It was good, I wasn't a fan, but it was good.

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

-"Haven't really spoken with the roommates today, though apparently we needed to get together to 'talk'. (This year I'd moved into a new apt building with totally new roommates) Isn't going to happen since I have to head to bed to get to work in the morning. -Oh look they just came home. The both of them at the same time. Lovely." (I don't know if we ever did have that 'talk') Earlier in the day I got into work to see that 4 of our 5 glofish tanks now had the blue light on them actually making them glow. ()_() So. Weird. (it's still really cool though!) We also got our reptile shipment in today and our new Pinstripe Python was "huge.' Like 3 times as wide as the normal ones we usually get in. I also bought a new fish tank, for my fish Cassanova (I rescued him from being frozen to death and took him home.) and set that up for him this evening. :)

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

-I had an evening shift today. One that went until 10pm, a bit later than usual, though in the end it ended up being a good thing, as I was the only one scheduled to close tonight. O.o On a FRIDAY of all things. Totally crazy. But at least it all was manageable customerwise. I just couldn't get to closing down my department until after the store itself had basically closed, which meant I did need the extra time provided to me, as I would have been stuck here that late anyway trying to get everything done. Some exciting news is that the new manager in the store talked to Sirch and told him that he was really impressed with me. About how quickly I pick up on things and do stuff and the like. He thinks I'm the best person in my department. ^^ Awwwww. Though he worries I'll get 'burned out.' To which I things have been pretty bad recently and I'm not burned out yet...I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. ^^ Definitely was a highlight to my night. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a wife and her husband the baker, wanting to have a child, but they were under tyranny of a Fire Queen, one who had high expectations on what she wanted, and was furious that the baker had run out of her favorite chicken tenders with the spices she liked, only having plain grilled ones instead. In punishment she wanted to take their baby from them for not having the food, but the wife ended up calling in the Ice Queen, to distract the Fire queen from taking their child. Which resulted in a world that had been conquered by the two of them, and students with fire powers and ice powers met together only when both of them were present to learn. If both weren't present, they couldn't mingle with each other through the barriers unless they had passed a specific test that would allow them to not suffer in the other's side of the kingdom. My friend Fluffy was part of the fire group, while the rest of us were Ice. We'd made plans to get together on her side, and after class was over, I tried to join in, grabbing the beaded bracelets/handcuffs that would allow me to transfer through the barrier safely...only I hadn't passed the test. I couldn't take the test, because of my long blond hair, as it would be bad if it shattered in the midst of the test. A risk I could not take, though I kept hoping that they would make an exception, the mean lady at the door was less than sympathetic to my plight....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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