Sunday, January 4, 2015

Gifts for Puppies!

I'm sure we all have crazy thoughts cross our mind constantly.
And for the most part, we ignore those crazy thoughts.

Well, for me, I did not.
I got a crazy thought, and for once, I ran with it. :D

What was this crazy thought?

You see, for Christmas a couple of my cousins got puppies for Christmas.

Oh, so jealous of them. I always wanted that to happen to me.

Any case back on tract.

It just so happens that when this thought struck me, I was at work, noticing the deeply discounted Christmas toys and holiday foods that we were now trying to get rid of.
And I thought.
Why not?
Why not provide a little bit of Christmas to those new arrivals?

Especially considering that I was already going to be up in their neighborhood anyways for the weekend to see some Friends.
I thought.
Why not?

So I went a gathering.
Figuring out which of my extended family owned pets.
-As I got into the spirit and decided to give presents to more than just the new arrivals, but to animals 'cats and dogs' that were in the family as well.
(Now I'm super paranoid I missed someone...but I can't think of who.... :S)

Don't worry, I didn't go totally crazy with it and spend myself poor. lol. :)

And when I came up.
I wrapped them all up so pretty in wrapping paper.
And went a visiting. ^^
Everyone (especially the animals) were excited to get their new toys and treats. :D It was fun to see them playing with them. ^^ (I worried they wouldn't like them. :S)

It was good to see my extended family again. And meet their new additions, (the ones I could meet some were not home. :( )
Really, I need to do more stuff with them again.
Why did we ever stop hanging out?

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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