Friday, January 30, 2015

Stop With The Clean Streak

Just kill me now.
Okay, not literally. But really.
Really, there are times I can't stand people's cleanliness habits. (The OCD over the top ones)
And my work...
Has just reverted back to such a standard!

*shakes head*
It all began when we got in a new manager in the store. The Head Guy.
In many ways he's great.
Wanting us to get back to 'Opening Day' standards -which thankfully he recognizes will take time.

But in one way...I think he's gone totally bananas.

You see, in each animal section in the store, there is a list of tasks we're supposed to do for opening and for closing down the habitats each day.
A task sheet,
That in reality, hasn't been followed in years.
Its been there. I've seen it. But never paid attention to it. Haven't had to follow it since I started there.
I've had coworkers who have.
Ones that mentioned that we stopped following them because frankly it was a WASTE OF TIME!

For the most part, it's not that difficult to do these tasks. Most of them are relatively easy and will get done more quickly when the habit has been established again.

But main other....I think is completely pointless.
You see, Four of the Seven days of the week,
We are to pull out all the water and food dishes for all enclosures and clean them.

*bangs head against the wall*
I truly would understand this if the creatures actually got their water and food dishes DIRTY.
>.< Sure. It does eventually.
It's why we clean all the cages once a week. So those dirty dishes can get clean.
But FOUR days?
To make matters worse.
It's not four days.
It's SIX days.
Because of those cage cleanings. >.<
They take place on the days that the dishes AREN'T supposed to be pulled out and cleaned.
But guess what? They are pulled out and cleaned because that is part of the process of doing the bedding changes!
Sure it's not every dish on those off days.
But really.
Why would I need to CLEAN a dish that I had cleaned the day before?! It's not like the animals (okay there are some, but that's a minority) could contaminate it in 24 hours! Especially when the water dishes are WATER BOTTLES! How could any creature dirty clean water that comes out of that?! They can't! Not unless they chew a hole into the bottle and then....what do you gets tossed out and a new bottle replaces it.
There is only ONE day in a week where no dishes will need to be cleaned with this old school process.
It's not like they got filthy (98% of them) when we were only doing them once a week!
Honestly. I would be more understanding if the whole freaking process was a bit more thought out!
FOUR Days in a week?
Why four? Because we have an 'odd numbered week.' (which is the stupidest reason, it can't kill the animals to skip two days in a row!)
Why not twice a week? Like Wednesday and Sunday or something? Dishes get cleaned, food doesn't get wasted. Water doesn't get wasted (How can this process even be a GOOD thing when the past year I've been subjected to 'save water wherever you can' videos by the company itself?!) If we're doing dishes every single day how is that saving water? Its. Not.

Honestly. It has to be paranoid cleanafroid OCD people who thought up that policy. >.<
And I dislike them intensely for it.
Why clean what already appears clean?!
"Oh no, the animal has touched it with its paws! Its now contaminated! CLEAN IT!" *bangs head against wall*

There has to be a reason why over time we have started to ignore that policy.
It's simple really.
Why waste TWO HOURS doing all those stupid dishes
When the department could be OPEN and READY for customers in that time? We could be focusing on tons of other tasks or, surprise, even customer service!

The new guy thinks that it will be fine.
Because we will have "two people come in in the mornings."
Well. Guess what?
When I've had two openers in the mornings we still only barely managed to get the department open before the store opened, often it was an hour or so after opening that all opening tasks were considered done.

And that was with us not doing this cleaning process!

Sure. Give me a few more times and I'll get it all dialed in and I'll be able to do the job quickly. (the annoying part would be drying things.)
But that's not all.
He wants us to work on doing fish cleaning tasks before the store is opened too...

When before we barely manage to open the department! Gah.

It's not something I can't handle. Again, it's just a matter of adjusting.
But seriously.
That cleaning thing? Needs to be rethought and revamped and considered six more times so that it's not such a waste in our mornings. >.<

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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