Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Day In Review -May 12th

Friday, May 12th 2006

-Me and my partner James were critiqued on our skit in class today. We actually performed it on Wednesday, but because we were the last to perform we ran out of time to be critiqued. The class said we did very good except we had a little problem on the backhand slap and my character wasn't believable enough, but at least we got an A! After school I had a driving group until 530pm, then my Mom drove us over to Aunt Lins' house to get our temple names to do baptisms for. (If I remember correctly for our Youth Conference or maybe Trek we needed to take a name in our history to the temple to do baptisms for.) Then I grabbed a bite to eat at Paces Dairy Anne before heading over to the Annex building for mutual. It was camp kick off that day so we had a big get to know you, actually I was in charge over the 3rd years and I liked a lot of them but some of them were brats. We were called camp "B.U.G.S. -Be Unique Go Shine" after that I came home and worked on my big Driver's Ed project until 2 am. I had a lot of problem with the presentation because it wouldn't copy onto a disk. Finally my dad figured out how to do it.

 Saturday, May 12th 2007

-I got my ACT score back. My total average was a 26. Much better than any of my friends. My individual scores were English -23, Math-22, Reading -33 and Science -24. Reading saved my overall score. Later I found out I had missed only 3 questions in the reading part (out of 36)

Monday, May 12th 2008

-I went on a date with my friend Tay C. it was originally going to be just us two going to go see Prince Caspian. But Kikay asked if she could come along if she could find a date. Tay was fine with the idea so she went and asked Tay M and he said yes. It was a bit confusing to have two Tays there, but we had a great time.

Tuesday, May 12th 2009

-Spent the day at the house on the computer and watching T.V. was very unproductive and I need to fix that. Got really annoyed today having to answer questions I didn't want to answer for Ephraim's Dad. I think the thing that annoyed me most was that he think's we might need to be rescued on the trip! (Side Note: First Summer after College, I took a bunch of my friends on a road trip down to Moab. So Ephraim's Dad was asking me a bunch of questions of about what we were going to do.) I would not call him if we needed rescue! I'm trust worthy and I have everything under control! Geez! I can't wait for this trip to be done with so I can say Ha! I did it all by myself! None of the other parents asked me questions! But then again they know me.... (We did all get back from the roadtrip in one piece, no major problems no need to be rescued.)

Wednesday, May 12th 2010

-I have had a headache and can't focus. I spent the day watching T.V. because the internet wasn't working. Mom and Dad got safely to San Diego for Dad's Work Conference.

Thursday, May 12th 2011

-I slept until about non today. Went and saw the movie Thor with Jesva at the Gateway. Jess drove...she seems still rather hesitant about driving. I don't think she does it often enough to feel comfortable. She dropped me off at home so I could hurry and make Kikay a sandwich and drive it down to her as she's doing a chalkart festival and she needed food. Her drawing is going really well -a White Tiger. Came home and did the usual lazy stuff for the rest of the night.

Saturday, May 12th 2012

-I woke up earlier than usual to finish packing and then drove with Kikay to the Hometown. It felt nice to be home again, though Dad was in a sour mood because Meralto took a brand new axe to help him construct a thing for his work at Galaxy Quest. Dad did calm down a bit from working in the yard. Kikay and her friend Maribah and I went to Desert book so that Mom could use a coupon. Then we went to Jamba Juice because we both had gift cards for those before going to Michaels to get things for Mom's Nursery kids, before coming home and spending time with my cats Dove, Flare, and Drifter (all cats I've tamed.) I tried to make plans with a friend -Shane- to hang ou totnight, but they ended up falling through. >.< After I told Terrel -who also wante dot hang out that I already had plans. And to Dev who randomly wanted to walk around Temple Square with me. I'm not quite sure why both guys decided to text me now. I wish I could have said yes to one of them, because I ended up just spending another night talking to Jessva because the plan I had thought was going to happen didn't happen and I didn't find out until it's too late.

Sunday, May 12th 2013

-Happy Mother's Day! I went to church with Kikay and the parents. We got chocolate bars there for Mother's Day. After Sacrament Kikay and I helped out Mom in the Nursery. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Afterwards Meralto joined us and we gave Mom her presents. We went to Tepanyaki for dinner and to Celebrate Kikay's Birthday and Mother's Day. We dropped by Grandma's to say Hi before coming home and hanging out for the rest of the day.

Monday, May 12th 2014

-I had a rather difficult time falling asleep last night, because I was being sensitive to noise. But I managed to tune out the noise and get some sleep. We didn't do much today. We dropped back by the shops so everyone --but me-- could pick up a few things they decided they wanted after all. The weather was cool and cloudy (I'm guessing we're in Moab.) The weather was cool and cloudy so we forwent hiking again and decided to head home, though we dropped by Sego Canyon so Daddoo could get more pictures of the pictographs and petroglyphs located there. The drive home was uneventful, though depressing. I didn't want to leave my redrocks behind so soon. (So I was in Moab. :) )  We had dinner at KFC in Price before braving a snow storm in the canyons. Totally crazy to suddenly get snow. Got home safely though the atmosphere at my apartment has me wishing to be back in Moab. Ash is still sick and it's just put a damper on the whole apartment. So I ended up hiding in my room putting up pictures I took.

Tuesday, May 12th 2015

-I woke up this morning with one quest in mind. To get my Taco Bell Sausage Crunchwrap. Since I wasn't able to get it on Saturday and I had the day off work today, that was my number one priority when I woke up this morning. So I got up, got ready, and went to the Mall's Food court. And finally. Finally, got my Crunchwrap. So much heaven to taste. ^^  After I got my Crunchwrap I went and got the Safety and Emissions check for my car. I also dropped by the Institute to talk with Bro Mon for a bit to catch up on what's been going on in my life for the past semester. I came home and took a nice long nap and then me and my roomie Iz went to Olive Garden to Dinner and then to the DI to add to our VHS collections of movies now that we have a VCR player. :) Now we're currently watching Miss Congeniality. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was trying to drive back down to College with my two friends, but we were having trouble driving along the road, as my vision was slightly odd, there was construction, and the lines were hard to follow. Then all of a sudden the back door to my car opened, and one of my Managers Dot, and another guy Climbed in from another vehicle -which I thought they were crazy to do- as we were driving along at like 80 mph along the road. They'd been heading the same direction as we were, and decided it was better to carpool down to collegetown. And Dot took over trying to drive, but we were both struggling........suddenly we were along an old mining railroad, racing to avoid being found by someone....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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