Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Freezer Meltdown

Do you ever have those chores, where you avoid doing it, because you think it's too much work, that it will take forever. And therefore, you have better things to do?

So for a while now, my roommate and I have been talking about cleaning out our freezer.

Because I've gone through like 7 different roommates.
And the freezer was so full of stuff....that literally it was difficult to put anything new in.

Finally, tonight.
We decided to bite the bullet.
Me and my newest roommate.
And clean it out.

Since we're basically the only two that live here now.
We should make room for our stuff.

-By random happenstance, our Ghost Roommate we haven't seen in a month, dropped by, so we asked her permission to throw stuff away. And she said she didn't have anything in there. Which was great. We had free reign to empty out the freezer.

For some reason we thought it would be a time consuming task.
Something that would take like half an hour or so.

But like five minutes later, we had one big garbage bag full of random food that was not going to be eaten.
And a nice clean basically empty freezer. ^^

Yay for tasks taking less time than planned. It makes the night all the more enjoyable. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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