Sunday, May 17, 2015

Adorable Pictures!

I got the most welcome surprise this morning.
I was dozing.
Trying to decide if I wanted to get up or sleep for a few more hours.
When I heard my phone go off.
I got a text.

Automatically I assumed it was work.
Because is the only one to ever text me early in the morning.
So I wasn't looking forward to opening it up.

But curiosity got the better of me, so I pulled up the text.
It was a picture.
A picture of what?

Two Kittens!

Daddoo had sent me a text of the two newest additions to our Cat Family.
My cat Dove had had another litter and she'd brought the two younglings over for a visit!
They were so cute I wish I could have seen them in person right then. ^^
One is all black, the other black and white, and they're both Adorable!

It's good to see tiny kittens around again. It's been a while since we've had them. ^^
Definitely the highlight of my day to see the series of pictures sent to me. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

It was a bit like how the Grinch Stole Christmas, where me and a couple of others had stolen a huge load of items, and we were trying to get them down this really steep hill, while being chased, and we ended up losing the load of toys. I gathered up the mini toys as best as I could, and ended up in a car with my Aunt as we were driving to church. It was raining heavily. And we had to drive up this steep mountain road to get to church at the top. And the road had basically become a two feet deep surging river/waterfall, that had a huge rockslide in it too. My aunt tried to drive the car up it anyways, but it ended up falling backwards. So me and the guy who was trying to take me on a date, ended up going to his homeward in the valley instead. It was slightly awkward there, as I didn't know anyone, and everyone was taking an interest in me, beyond the guy I was with who was more excited to hang out with his little brother. They kept asking me questions and I was being mostly unhelpful with answering when....

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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