Monday, March 19, 2018

Another Visit

It was another hospital adventure for me today....unfortunately. *exhales* 

And as an Update...that hamster with the swollen tongue that I wrote about Saturday? 
*exhales* I was right. He didn't make it. Y_Y He died later the same day. :( Poor thing, but we tried what we could....

In any case....
There was new animal hospital drama today,

In that I'd noticed off and on throughout the day,
That one of our Chinchillas was doing a lot of sleeping.
Which isn't uncommon, I mean they tend to sleep for most of the day lol. 

And I was rather distracted with getting opening done, mostly because I was doing it all by myself and things were taking longer because well...I was doing it by myself and customers love to be needy. ;) lol. 

But it was pretty soon after I'd come back from lunch.
Where I was having my coworker open up the floor to give her something to do while I was on break. 
That I noticed that one of our Chinchillas didn't seem to be acting quite right.
I mean, earlier I'd thought that it was sleeping. 
But the fact that it hadn't really changed positions in hour or two....
Was concerning.
Especially with how flat it was laying in the cage....and then I saw how labored he was breathing...

It set off alarm bells.
Something definitely wasn't right. 

So I pulled open the cage, and went to pick him up.
And it was immediate.
This guy was in trouble.

He was limp. 
Like picking up a sock full of rice really. 

Which Chinchillas are never limp. They're like coiled springs of action ready to hop away at a moment's notice.

The fact that he was still. So limp. Having trouble breathing.
Not. Good. 


When Hamsters and Guinea Pigs get that limp it's basically well...right towards the end of their life. Right when they're about to die.
And the Chinchilla was doing the same thing!!! AHHHHH
Which is sooo concerning because we just got him in like....four days ago? He came in Thursday! Like...that's really quick for a Chinchilla to go downhill. :S 

And if you remember from my Saturday's post...
Our normal Vet is out of Town until Wednesday. 

So the option became going to the slightly more expensive vet.

Only the managers were all super focused on getting the store prepped for the Inventory Count they're doing tonight. 
However, due to the Chinchilla's condition, my manager gave me permission to be the one to take the Chinchilla to that vet (after I called them and asked them if we could bring it to them.) 

Which I've never been to this vet before.
I knew the location, having looked it up before. Yet never had needed to go to it myself. 

But within like five minutes of calling the vet, I was on the road and heading to this unknown location. 
Glancing at the Chinchilla every so often. Trying to see if it was still breathing.
Because there were moments when I was worried it wasn't...until I could see the chest move once more.

It was interesting because like....I was expecting this Vet clinic to be this big fancy hospital building that I wouldn't be able to navigate. 
*shakes head*
Which honestly I don't know why I keep thinking that.
Most other Vet's I visit are these little humble places that don't look like they should be a Vet's residence but Are....
Maybe it was because this particular Vet....tends to be more expensive. 
Which is why we take our animals to the other vet First, and if we can't take them there we take it to this place. 
So knowing this place charges more....I guess I assumed it would be fancier.
Which it was a cool looking place when I pulled up.
But definitely still had that quaint, humble little "I don't look like I should be a Vet's place but I am" tone. 

In any case.
I walked in.
Explained the situation. 
The receptionist is like "Yah the Vet will want to keep this overnight for observation." 

But with seeing how limp and nearly lifeless this Chinchilla was....I again, like the Hamster, I didn't think the Chinchilla would survive the night. 

And I was right. 
The Chinchilla didn't make it.
I don't know if it died an hour after I left or Three....but needless to say.
The poor thing is gone. Y_Y

Agh. I wish I had noticed it sooner. *exhales* 

In any case....I tried.....
And I now know where this Vet is soo if it's needed I can now volunteer to go there too. Now that I know where it is. 

But honestly....I hope this is the last of the vet visits for a while. >.> I don't want any more suddenly really super sick creatures to try and rescue. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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