Sunday, March 18, 2018

Writing Writing Writing Writing

Writing is always such a fickle thing.

And it seems like I find it difficult to spread my writing abilities about in more than like...two places.
As somewhere at some point, it feels like something falls to the wayside. 

So there are four main areas where I tend to write. 
1. Blogging.
2. Story Writing on the Computer
3. Writing Ideas down in a Notebook
4. Journaling. 

And for the longest time Journaling and Blogging were my main sources of writing. That was were my words were put, that's where they stayed. 
And then I added in writing own my story ideas into a Notebook, therefore giving me the ability to be able to have the idea out on something tangible, while being able to free up my mind from trying to keep every idea fresh in my head. 

And then....I started actually writing. Working on stories on my Laptop. Actively writing out a plot for the fic ideas I had.

And that's probably where I began to struggle. 
Because writing takes like all my focus. All my energy. 
I'm often scrambling to get my blog posts done before midnight when I'm in a writing groove.
If it gets too late I decide "I can journal tomorrow" so I can head to bed at a reasonable time.
If I'm focused on one story I neglect to write down other ideas because I'm in the groove I don't want to distract myself.

Which can get frustrating at times.
Honestly, I should have more time in a day to do everything.
And I do when I take the time to properly plan things out and MAKE TIME to ensure I get to everything. 

But when I forget.
When I get too focused on the story....

Things falter.
And I realize.
Oh it's nearly midnight! Gotta blog!
Or I'm like "Gah! I haven't written down a couple new ideas yet and it's been a week.

Or I realize...that my daily journal...hasn't been updated in nearly a month. 
*exhales* -Though sometimes the journaling is delayed because of those nuclear headaches I get...

And the longer I go without being able to properly balance those four things.
The longer I go focusing too intently on one or two things while letting the others fall to the wayside.
The harder it is for me to focus on what I want to be doing (Story Writing)
As then I start remembering. "I need to be doing this, I need to be doing that." And things get detrimental to me.

Until I take a day or two.
To sit down.
Write. Catch myself up. 
Clear the clutter and the worries from my mind.

So I can bring the storywriting to the forefront where it's nice and clear.

So yah...that's what I've spent the last couple of days doing lol. 
Catching up on my Journal, Catching up on writing out all my story ideas into a notebook. 
And also doing the daily Blogs. lol. 

So. Now. Hopefully the words will flow easier, run smoother, and I can get what I want done faster than if I'm constantly wondering in the back of my mind why I'm not doing the other things yet....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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