Friday, March 23, 2018

Away on Adventure

So, a while ago, one of my best friends moved to the opposite side of the country.
Which has been hard, because like we used to do a lot together and they were like someone I could talk to constantly about everything.
So to suddenly have them move so far away.
Wasn't so fun. :( Mostly because I couldn't just call them up and be like "Hey you wanna go grab Wendy's?" 

And basically since my friend moved, she's been trying to talk me into flying out to see her. 

Which is a bit nerve-wracking in concept because like...I don't often do well with visiting new places.
I mean the last handful of times I've ended up somewhere new....I've also ended up suffering from major headaches the first couple of days because...well stress. Maybe anxiety. Who knows.

And I would be flying out BY MYSELF.
Which ahhh
Even more stressful.
You know how many times I've done that? Go on vacation somewhere else by myself?

Exactly once.
Usually if I go anywhere it's with family. So I'm never alone.

The last time I went anywhere far away by myself?
Was the summer after my first year of college. So like nearly a decade ago. (which is so weird to think about)
Where I flew halfway across the country to see my roommate who had gone home for the summer.
And I ended up being sick nearly like the entire time I was there visiting...because idk adjusting??
lol And I did that back to back where I then flew by myself to Colorado right after to meet up with my family as we visited with an Aunt and Uncle.

So's been forever since I've flown by myself.
Gone anywhere by myself.

And the concept of doing so again.
Makes me soo nervous.
Because like...There are sooo many unknowns.
I've never been to my friend's state before, I don't know what the atmosphere is like, the culture, what sort of home they'll have, what we'll be doing while I'm there...
The only known factor is that my friend will be there. lol

But like I really wanted to see her.
Sooo I bit the bullet.

I finally bought tickets to go see my friend in a couple of months!! Woot!!!
Like I'm sooo nervous excited.
Because again unknown factors, but I finally get to see my friend after like a year!!! AHHH!!!!

So this is going to
Flying by myself.
Being in a new state for the first time. ^^;;

lol though I'm pretty sure that the first day or two I'm there, I'm just going to be like "Okay, can we just chill at your home so I can get used to being in this place?"

Guess we'll see.
Maybe this time around it will be different and I'll take to being in a new place like a fish to water.

I'm excited!!!
Can't wait to go see my friend. ^^;;

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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