Sunday, September 9, 2018


So it's become kinda a tradition when we go on vacation as a family, we each take a night to make a meal.
Lol and my 'traditional' meal I've taken to making is my famous Tacozanga because most of my family members don't get to eat it that often.
Even at home...I don't make it more than like...every third month or so. ^^;; lol. 

In any case.
I chose to make my tacozanga again for this trip. 
Even with the slight change in ingredients as specific brand names weren't sold here that I usually get.

I figured it would go over well.
And it did! Woot!

lol but not without a slightly major hiccup. 

As I put in Mexican style Rice-Roni as one of the layers. 
Which involves pouring in a seasoning packet once the rice has been browned and water added. 

So when the time came.
I grabbed the seasoning packet.
Opened it.
And poured it in.

Only to realize once I was about to toss the packet into the trash....
That I'd poured in the wrong seasoning. 
*face palm*

I also had a packet of Taco Seasoning on the counter, for the taco meat.
And had grabbed that, not thinking, instead of the rice-roni seasoning I should have.

So I had a great "well now what?" moment, watching the seasoning dissolve into the water.
Like. Would I pour the water out and start a new with boiling water and just save the taco seasoned water for when it came time to add it to the taco meat? I actually didn't think about that until later.

No, my solution was to just roll with it.
I kept the rice in the taco seasoning.
And saved the rice-roni packet to pour onto the taco meat.

I mean...both would end up in the same dish.
So hopefully that would mean the flavors would end up tasting somewhat proper even if they were placed on the wrong. 

And it worked!!
The family didn't notice a difference. Thought it tasted just as good. ^^;; 

Lol yay for things working out in my favor! :D 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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