Thursday, September 27, 2018

Two Years

So for the past two years. I've been having to consistently hear the same statement at least a dozen times a week. If not more than once a day from customers.

They'd get my attention.
Point upwards and go: "There's a bird loose in your store."

Which. Makes sense. You don't want a loose bird in a store because a loose bird means a bird you can't exactly sell.

This wasn't one of our birds. 
And there was more than one of them in the store.

You see we occasionally have wild birds end up stuck inside the store because they somehow got stuck inside our trucks and when we open up the trucks to get our product....the birds seize their chance at freedom...and fly into our store.

Most of the time, when we end up opening the big back door to take out our trash and such, the birds fly out on their own.

But occasionally...they choose to stick around.
We once had like an entire flock of ten or so that got stuck in our store (added to over time, not all at once) and we had to call in a company to capture the birds and release them outside for us.

In any case.
About two years ago. 
We ended up with two sparrows in our store.
Wild ones. 
They came in just before winter hit. 
And therefore, chose to stay inside where it was warm and there was an easy source of food and water with no prey threat instead of venturing out into the cold harsh weather. 

When spring came....we expected them to just....leave.
Only they didn't.

For TWO YEARS. those birds have been in our store. 
And I've often wondered why we didn't just call that company to come get the birds like we had before.
Because they obviously weren't leaving.

I mean, we managed to catch one like six months ago, tossed it outside....and it flew right back in. *shakes head* 

Which meant we were constantly dealing with them chirping over our heads and pooping over everything and....of course....having customers come tell us that there was a bird loose in the store.

Honestly....if the customer noticed within 15 minutes of being in the store that there was a bird loose....surely the people who WORK there would realize just as quickly. I mean...I'm in the store five days a week for up to eight hours a day.

I KNOW there's birds in the store. I got it.  I see them flying around all the time.
It's not like a loose hamster or snake in the store that hides in dark corners until the people are gone and then come out.
The birds are noisy, visible, and constantly landing nearby.
We know there's birds there.

And time and time again I would have to explain. "They're wild birds." yadda yadda yadda. 


And finally yesterday, a company showed up to capture the birds and get them out of our store.
-They only managed to catch one of the two, so they'll have to come back--

But the reason why they were only called now?

Because we got a new Head Manager.
As the old Head Manager didn't want to call the company and spend the money to get the birds out of the store.
So instead that HM chose to tolerate constantly cleaning up after the birds and the messes they made and discounting products because they'd been soiled by said birds....instead of calling the company to come get them. FOR TWO YEARS. 

The New Guy?
Not so much.
He was like "I want them gone by next week."
*shakes head*

It's gonna be weird though.
To not have them flying overhead. 

Though I suspect once the company comes and gets the remaining bird....
That we'll probably end up with more in the store in the next month or so. *shakes heads* lol it will be just our luck really.

Guess time will tell. ^^;; 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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