Thursday, February 7, 2019

A First Time For Everything

I did something I've never done before today. 

I called out sick. 

In the six years I've been at my job.
I've never called out sick before today.

I mean I've shown up for work and had to leave early because I couldn't handle working the entire shift due to migraines. 

But I've never just like...called off. 

But this morning.
I did. 

Because I'd been up all night with yesterday's aches and pains still giving me major grief. 

And while the pain was nothing as major as the headaches and migraines I've gone to work under...

They were a bit more...worrisome.

Mostly in the fact that I didn't feel like I could stand up for an entire six hour shift.
No at this point I was barely confident I could stay upright for like...two minutes. 

The stubborn part of me was like "No, I can go to work still! I can make it through!"

But at this point...I'd barely slept for two days because of this random achy illness that I'm beginning to wonder if it's a brief brush with a flubug or something. 

I made the choice.
To actually let myself rest and recover.
Because I didn't need to be collapsing at work.

So I called in.
And called off.

Which I think shocked just about everyone in the store lol. Because I never call off.
Like I said.
First time.
In Six years.
I've called out from work. 

Hopefully they survive without me... :S 

But I do think the day of rest was what I needed.
Because I'm already feeling much better than I was this morning. 
And with how I'm recovering.
I'm pretty confident I'll be able to go back to work for my next shift. 

So yah.
Day of rest for me. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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