Friday, February 8, 2019


Sometimes it's really.....frustrating.
Frustrating to have multiple bad things hit you at the same time.

Like they say things come in threes.
But I really wish that it just...worked with good things.
Good things come in threes.
Bad things come only one at a time.

Because like why....
Why make a person go through one difficult thing...only to hit them at the same time or even right after the first bad thing with a second bad thing and/or even a third bad thing?

What's the point of that?

The person is already suffering from the one thing.
What's the point of giving them the triple whammy and just making life a tunnel of darkness that you're inching through one painful step at a time as the wolves howl all around and the chains of doubt and fear and sorrow try and hold you back?

So. Frustrating.

Even more frustrating when I can see it happening to others around me and I hate the helpless feeling I get when I know that there's very little if nothing I can do to help improve the situation. 

I like making others happy.
I like brightening others days.

And it's difficult to not be able to do that.
To reach out and feel like my reach is too short.


Hopefully...hopefully the light is coming. The end of the tunnel will soon be in sight.
Because traveling in the darkness is. not. fun. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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