Monday, February 4, 2019

The Smell

Working in a petstore, specifically a petstore that allows pets inside the building....has its drawbacks.

Mostly because our four legged guests occasionally can't wait to get outside and end up leaving small little messes around the store on the floor.

For the most part these accidents are easy to clean up. Most spills are no larger than like a paper towel or two.
And for the most part (on good days) the owners are good about cleaning up after their four-legged friends. 

But occasionally.

The spills are a bit....bigger than the size of a paper towel. 

No we refer to these spills as "lakes" and they're just huge puddles of nasty yellowness that requires a mop and such to fully clean it up. 

Well today.
We had one of those lakes occur.

Right within the first three feet of entering the main part of the store.

This medium sized black doggie just decided he couldn't hold it anymore and let loose.
Seriously. The dog peed for like ten minutes straight. (okay maybe it was five) and the owner just stood there helplessly like....:S :S :S "help?" 

Thankfully for whatever reason my cashier on duty had already had a mop nearby, so she was bringing it up.
Though I ended up taking over the mopping as other customers came up to check out at the nearby register. 

So yah...we had to wait for the dog to finish creating his monster lake.
Before I could move in to clean it up.

And like it was disgusting.
Because the dog hadn't moved at all and he was letting loose with enough force that his urine was splashing onto his front paws and he was just standing in this big puddle of pee. 
:S :S Definitely wouldn't let him on the furniture when I got home if I was the owner.

And like, logically I probably would have taken the dog back to the entryway carpet to at least 'dry the paws' off or something. 
-Though my coworker pointed out that that would be harder to clean.
So true. So true. 

Instead, once the owner made sure that he didn't have to mop up the spill himself--which I don't think we let customers use the mops and buckets.... 

He pulled the dog out of the lake...
And proceeded to walk the dog towards the back of the store.

Leaving a trail of wet urine footprints in his wake. 

*shakes heads*

So I ended up mopping up the lake in front of our doors and then up the aisle to make sure no other customers stepped in urineprints….before calling it good.

Only like ten minutes later...
That same customer came up to the front of the store to pay...
And while waiting in line...
His dog did the SAME thing.

Like...doggiedude?! How do you have that much water within you?? 
I didn't see the second spill this doggie made. Only the aftermath, but it was still quite sizeable if not the monstorous mess he made earlier.


Not even like two minutes after that second spill.
A different dog...
Ended up having an accident.
Right in front of Register one.

I don't know if it was the same dog or a different dog.
But another spill also occurred like two feet away from this smaller papertowel sized puddle.
Only this spill was much nastier. Not sure if it was diarrhea or vomit. But it was brown, it was nasty and it had the consistency of pudding. So Very Very NASTY. 

Which I am glad that I didn't have to clean up that mess. :S :S 
The cashier took care of it.

But that was like FOUR spills within maybe ten minutes of each other.
All in the front of the store.

And like that last unpleasant brown surprise didn't help the smell of the store at all.
I mean the giant lake in front of the doors cast off quite the Urine smell. You could smell halfway through the store.
The brown goo puddle was twice if not three times as strong.

We ended up having to pull out the strong cleaners that had the coverup cleaning scent to make the smell go away.
But still the store had a strong "cleaned" smell to it.

And yah
It was bad.
So bad.

I think my nose is scarred for life because even now, hours later I still feel like I can smell that yellow lake and gah. It's not a pleasant scent to have stuck in your nostrils at all. XP 

Hopefully the store doesn't still smell of it when I got back in tomorrow. :S :S

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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