Saturday, February 2, 2019

So Many People

I thought it was weird that we had so many people in the store today.
Not just customers.
But coworkers.

At one point I had like...three other people in my department, and there were like two or three cashiers as well, as well as two to three managers, plus the dog trainer. And yah....we had so many associates in the store that we didn't have enough radios for everyone. *shakes head*

And like...I was confused.
Why such the strong presence?
I was the first Saturday of the month. 
So we should have had an adoption day...but that got cancelled. 
And like...our Sample Saturday isn't a big enough event for it to need more than one person manning the event at a time. 

I mean, Saturdays are usually our busiest day.
But usually we still only have like maybe four people....

So this was a strong show of force...
And I couldn't figure out why. 

*shakes head*
Until the end of my shift.

When I realized that it wasn't only a Saturday but a holiday as well.
Groundhog Day was today.
Which meant. Holiday shoppers.
Because all Holidays bring in more shoppers. 

It's the day before the Superbowl.

Triple Whammy. 

Soooo that probably also influenced our customer influx.

And influenced why we had so many workers in the store.

Still. So weird. 
So weird to have so many of my coworkers in the store at the same time.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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