Sunday, February 17, 2019

Slow Drive Home

Had a bit of an adventure getting home tonight. 

I mean we'd see the snow storm closer to the mountains on our way up.
But I hadn't really thought about the fact that storms move when we were heading back down.

So about midway down the valley....we hit slush/snow on the roads.
Originally I didn't think it was enough to worry about.
But then the cars in front of us were hitting their brakes. 

So I put on my breaks as well...
And my car started sliding. Doing the slight fishtail thingy. :S 
Kikay was with me and was like instructing me on what to do and telling me to move over into the next lane (the carpool lane) because it was empty.
Which I did, I let the car glide itself over that way until I could get better control of the vehicle.
And managed to do so before we slid to much further over to the left as there were already a couple of cars that had slid into the emergency lane there.

Thankfully. I didn't hit anything and got the car back under control easily enough.

But we had another problem.
In that my windshield wipers weren't...well working well because the wiper fluid hadn't been working right for a week or so now. 
So from the slight flurry of snow and the salt kick up from the front windshield was having troubles staying clear because I had no fluid to clear it off easier.
So it was like....hazy trying to stare out the window.

Which when it's snowy, dangerous driving conditions and DARK....
That's not a good thing.

So following Kikay's suggestion we took the nearest exit and ventured deeper into the valley to a Walmart so we could go grab me some windshield wiper fluid in the hopes that I could top off the tank and hopefully get it to work again.
-I had no idea if it was just low or if the area that the liquid comes out of had been blocked up.

So a tense ten minute drive later found us at Walmart grabbing like a gallon jug of the stuff. 
And then we were back to my the dark cold slightly snowy weather, figuring out once more how to lift the hood of my car so I could see the engine and find the windshield wiper fluid container so I could pour it in.

^^;;; Heh...turns out my tank was like …..completely empty. :S oops. I mean its been forever since I've run out of the stuff, so it's like a vague concept that it can actually happen. *shakes head* 
Still I nearly emptied the entire bottle into the tank...turned on the car...tested the wiper fluid...

And it worked!! :D
Cleared the windshield right up!

So we returned to the freeway and it was mostly smooth sailing as we crossed into our home valley. we were in the final ten mile stretch...
Kikay had the impression that we shouldn't take our usual exit.
So I was like "Okay, we'll just take the exit before that."

Only as we got closer Kikay was like "No, we should take this exit right here."

Which is the exit I usually take to get to and from work.

-As I can reach home from work either by freeway or by a couple different back road slower routes.

But since we'd already had a couple of close calls earlier in the drive, I wasn't about to risk not following the impression and so took my work exit.
And we carefully made our way through the backstreets -avoiding Center street as that's where the feeling of 'wrongness' was strongest, and managed to get home safely!


But yah.
One of the more tense drives I've been on in a long while. *shakes head*

Not sure what was up with tonight.
But at least we managed to avoid whatever was happening around Center...whether it was some crazy driver on the loose, or super bad snow at that certain point....I have no idea.
But at least we made it home safe and for that I'm grateful. ^^;; 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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