Friday, February 22, 2019

I Dreamed A Dream

There are times when I have vivider dreams than others. 
Where upon waking they just kinda….stay with you.
Often I use those dreams as ideas for stories. 
As often they're quite well done and plot based and halfway make enough sense to make an actual story from them.

And then there's others that are like....
Vivid in other ways.
To the point where I'm like "Is this a sign? Is this dream significant? Is someone trying to tell me something?" 

Cus last night I had a more vivid dream.
Like it started out with the typical crazy things I usually dream.
People trying to take things from the house, Dad going off with the police, grandma trying to guide us into how to use the car and trying to drive the car without crashing into everything.

But then Mom was there.
And's significant to have Mom there since she's...well not physically here anymore. 
And she was on the bed like she usually was.
But she'd been injured, stabbed in the chest.
But we were going through precious items and I was picking up things and hiding them around the house in 'safe' places for us to find later.

And like....She hugged me. Told me some words of wisdom to comfort me and like....

I just woke up crying.
Crying because I miss her.
And I want her here.

But at the same time....the dream stuck further with me than others did. 
Like the locations I had hidden things in still seem really significant to me.

So like I'm left wondering if it's a message like...I could find some things we've been looking for if I look in the places I left things in the dream....

But yah...
It was a difficult way to wake up this morning.
No one really wants to wake up crying.
SO yah....hard morning.

But at the same time I'm glad I got to see her again.
If only for a short time in the dream.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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