Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Small Blessing

It's been like...over a month since we've been able to take the sacrament.
Which is weird to think about.
That it's been over a month since i've been to church.
Gone to a ward meeting.

Maybe it's been closer to two now?
With how weird time is flowing I don't remember if church meetings were canceled in February or March...

But beyond a one time meet up with my family so that we could partake of the sacrament.

I haven't been able to.
There was an effort at first, to serve it in my ward...but with the governor's directive to not have gatherings of more than like 10 people....

They put even small sacrament services on hold.

So's been over a month maybe two since I've had it.

But today, my roomie's parents came down, so that her Dad could bless the sacrament and give it to us since they realized we hadn't had it in a while. 

It was so sweet of them to make the effort to come out. 
We ended up having it in the garage, so that the parents wouldn't be inside the house and we could still social distance.

But it was just like...a balm to my soul to be able to take of the sacrament today. 
Like it's just one of those stressors that you don't realize is stressing you out...until you get rid of the stressor.

it was just. A comfort.
To be able to have the sacrament today.
I'm grateful for that. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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