Saturday, April 11, 2020


It's a known fact that my coworkers and I don't like it currently when customers just come in to 'browse.'

Because like. We don't like that people are being so uncaring of the fact that they're bringing a risk to us workers in the store by coming in the first place to like...not buy anything.

There's this pandemic and you're risking our health and potentially your health to just...get out of the house.

It's frustrating.

Though what was also frustrating was that my managers decided today that they were going to keep a better track of just how many people were in the store.

And it felt like every time the number of people got above twenty.

They would go make an announcement basically saying that we're only open to individuals needing to buy essentials for their pets and if they weren't here to buy essentials then they should reconsider their visit and keep in mind the health of themselves and others around them." 

I think the message was too long.

Like customers don't read, but they also don't listen that well either.

So if a message is longer than like three seconds.
I'm pretty sure people tune out.

Really it should have been left at "Due to health concerns, if you are not here to buy essentials for your pet, please reconsider your visit here today."

Honestly, if it were considered polite I would say "If you are not here to buy something for your pet please leave." 

We can't really be that blunt though.

At the same time.
It did get rather annoying to hear the same message over the intercom like every ten minutes or so at some points. 

I also wonder at what point we would have started limiting people in the store.
As we do have the ability to close our doors and limit how many people come in the store at once.
Though it's not quite clear how many is too many.

Like we were making announcements if there were more than twenty what...if we had 30 people in the store would we have closed the doors? 

I don't know.

There's no real precedent for numbers.
It's more our own judgement if we feel there are too many people in the store.

And like 20 people in our large store...didn't feel like too many.

However, when they tend to all congregate in the same parts of the store, that's when they feel too crowded.

It's a stressful time.

I'm definitely looking forward to things getting back to normal. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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