Monday, April 27, 2020


I went grocery shopping today.
Like actual "I need to buy food" grocery shopping compared to the quick 'in and out' trip I took on Thursday to get a couple of small items.

But I was starting to run low on my snack foods that I eat while I'm at work.
So I figured it would be best to stock up sooner rather than later.
Especially considering my schedule is so wonky this week. With me working three evening shifts.

I figured it would be best to venture out this morning, since I was given today off and shop when there were less people in the store.

As I've been told it's less busy in the mornings.
And with how full the store was when I dashed in the other day after work.
I decided to go today after I was sure my roomies were awake so I could check and make sure that there wasn't anything they needed that I could grab their stuff too and limit how many trips we were making to the store. 

So yah.
That was a bit of an adventure.
Thankfully I was correct and the store wasn't as busy when I went shopping.
So I felt less pressure to get in and get out quickly as it was quite easy to avoid people in the aisles and such. Which was nice. I like being in less stressful situations. 

And thankfully everything I wanted was in stock. So woot!! No worries about empty shelves.
Though there were still plenty of spots in the store where shelves were empty. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves. 
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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