Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Cramped Hand Goal

Do you ever get those random thoughts as you go about your day.
Where you make a future goal for yourself?
One that can't be completed today.
But sometime in the future if events come to pass?

Well....I did that today.
I was riding the shuttle home after taking a quiz at the testing center.
And I was reflecting back on the events of yesterday.

On the spur of the moment I decided on this goal.

I call it the "Cramped Hand Goal"
And it goes like this:

"I will sign every scrap of paper a fan pushes my way even after my hand has cramped up."

Its an ambitious goal.
I have no idea what its like to be famous...
all the pictures, and signings and such.
Or what my future schedule will be like.

I do...after thinking it over realize....
that when I do become famous....
I could possibly not have time, or scheduled events might get in the way and will prevent me from completing this goal.

My major setback for this goal would be....
My need to get to things on time. I don't like being late.
Soo...perhaps when I become famous...they'll have to schedule one event per day.
That way I can take as much time as I need so that no fan has to be turned away and all can have their moment even if I have to go out into the parking lot to continue signings and my interactions with the fans.

Yep. I'm going to strive for that.
Cramped Hand and all. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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