Saturday, September 17, 2011

Walking Backwards

Its rather odd to discover you had a 'talent'....especially when you thought everyone could do it...

The past couple of days.
People have been commenting on my ability to walk backwards.

They have seemed really impressed that I can talk to them as they're walking forward and I'm in front of them walking backwards down hallways.

I didn't see what was so special about it...
Then I got another comment about me walking backwards....

Yah. I thought everyone could do it.
But apparently....not?

Or perhaps it was more about how comfortable I seemed to be walking backwards.
Not checking behind me to see what was coming up.
People did comment on that 'You seem just as comfortable walking backwards as we are walking forwards" ....ummm yah? I knew that hallway pretty well...I'd also seen that nobody was behind me before I turned around....

Perhaps I have more of a self awareness about what is around me then others....

I really don't know.

Usually if I walk backwards....
Its so I can see people's faces easier as I talk to them.
So I'll just change directions to walking with them to walking in front of them backwards so I can talk to them.

It might have been something I developed as I was tend to do weird things....

I think people are just impressed with the self awareness I have in order to do that.
I remember a couple of years ago in one of my classes we had to do a bit of 'acting'
And during the group skit I was in.
I had to get onto the teacher's desk.
And I backed up a couple of steps before continuing my lines.
Afterwards the Teacher said that he couldn't focus because he was half afraid I would walk backwards off the desk.
I looked at him oddly...
Why would I do that? I knew how many steps I could take without falling off. I wouldn't fall off...

!!! Light bulb moment !!!
I think this 'talent' for walking backwards developed in Elementary school.
When I did gymnastics.
Especially on the balance beam.
Because the coach would have us do exercises.
Where we'd have to walk backwards to the edge of the balance beam then do a trick off of it.
In order to do that, we would feel with our feet one step at a time behind us for the edge of the balance beam until we felt the empty space.

That's probably where I developed this 'talent' for walking backwards.

Though the people also asked. "Do you Run backwards as well?" I don't.....

Apparently its something other people do though. Because everyone mentions that as well.
I suppose I could run backwards if I wanted to...I just don't see a point to running

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

My family was returning from a vacation.
We were driving on the freeway.
Dad was driving...the rest of us were in the car.
and I noticed he seemed to be going rather fast.
But when I check the speed he was only going a 65 zone...
but it seemed like everyone else was going 25mph.
Alot of them were old people driving.
It was a little scary though....
Because my dad would come up on them really fast.
And just before he would hit them, he would switch lanes.

Then...I was suddenly driving in my own car. and it was like we were racing.
But road construction forced us onto a dirt road that was more like a obstacle course.
and then we were on  a trail... a sand trail heading up the hill to somewhere....
we were heading the car? I don't know. Back home for sure because we ended up there later in the dream
but along the path we paused and someone unburied some stuff --like books? they'd had hidden because they didn't want to take them down to wherever we were...
Then i was at my home.....having arrived back from our vacation

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.

-My dreams get rather odd when I'm not feeling well....they're more literal then usual. This one was a trip to go see my mom and not to disappoint her...something like that....


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