Thursday, September 15, 2011

In the Mountain Tops

Yesterday I learned something cool in my Book of Isaiah class.
Or the teacher showed us something cool...relating to the book of Isaiah.
In chapter 2 verse 2 of Isaiah it says:

2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the lord's house shall be established
in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

In my church -the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints- (known as the Mormon church by others) its commonly believed that this passage refers to the establishment of Salt Lake City, in what is now the State of Utah.
But before the Mormons fled the United States because they were being persecuted, Utah...was part of Mexico. It wasn't a state yet. However upon arriving in the valley, Brigham Young decided that they wanted their territory to become a state. It was going to be pretty big as well. Containing Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada...perhaps a few others.
And they were going to name it Desert ---Des-er-et
But the U.S. Government wouldn't have it.
Why? The polygamy issue.
They wouldn't allow Desert to become a state because of that.
So the Mormons got rid of polygamy.
But in the meantime California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington were made into states.
And the territory of Desert got smaller and smaller.
But when Polygamy was abolished in the Mormon church.
The United States government was willing to make it a state.
But they weren't willing to let the Mormons name it Desert.
Instead they decided to name it after the Native American tribe that lived in the area.
 The Utes.
So they called the remaining bit of Desert:
And thus Utah became a state.
But unbeknown by the government...
Utah...Ute...means: The Mountain Top.
So literally the LDS Church is settled in the Mountain Tops.

Okay History Lesson finished.
But there is more.
In the Book of Mormon one of the prophets Nephi,
Quotes Isaiah for a few chapters.
And he quotes Isaiah Chapter 2 verse 2.
But in the Book of Mormon the formatting is done differently then the Kings James version of the Bible so that the words line up differently.

So it reads like below :

   2 And it shall come to pass in the
       last days, when the moUntain of
the Lord's house shall be esTablished
       in the top of the mountAins, and
 shall be exalted above the Hills, and
all nations shall flow unto it.

and you find in its verse the word: Utah.
(the U-T-A-H aren't capitalized in the Book of Mormon by the way. I capitalized the letters and bolded them to make it easier to see. :) )

I thought it was pretty cool ^^;; since Utah means the Mountain Top and that verse talks about the top of the mountains....yah :) Its Awesome :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a hummingbird off to my left.
I saw it. Looked at it.
It was flittering about.
About the size of my palm.
And I said to someone... I don't remember who it was next to me...
that the hummingbird needed to rest.
So I stuck out my hand to the bird
it was motionless in the air -besides its fluttering wings.
So i bumped my hand against it.
and it landed.
It curled up in the palm of my hand looking more like a miniature kitten.
-a cross somewhat birdlike, somewhat cat like.

I went through a couple of repeat scenes of the bird taking off then landing in my hand to curl up.
Then taking off again, then landing again.

Suddenly I was in the house from a few dreams back.
Where there were multiple secret rooms, stairways, up and down passages.
We were playing a game of...hide and seek.
I was really excited.
Because I remembered being in this house.
So I figured I had an advantage.
I went and hid...
Underneath a staircase...table like thing.
I remember it being a bright blue color.
But a slight neighbor's younger sister Stephanie showed up to hide in the same place.
And the seeker was coming a looking.
Surprisingly when she bent down.
She only saw Stephanie
Not me.
Even though you could see me if you bent down and looked...
there wasn't even a sheet or table cloth to cover up where I was hiding.
Yet the woman didn't see me.
It was odd.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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