Friday, September 2, 2011


I don't like doing dishes.
Because I don't like touching all the weird things that become soft on the dirty dishes while being immersed in water. I also don't like having to put my hand in a sink full of this and that from dirty water-to salsa pieces-to salad pieces- to brownie/bread goop.
*shudders* Its just not my cup of ice cream.

Well the subject of this post.
Actually had nothing to do with dishes.
It deals more with tomatoes.
Kikay and I were needing to rush out the door of our apartment.
To disappear for a time.
And we needed to use our tomatoes before they went bad since we weren't bringing them with us.
We decided on Toast and Tomatoes
     -Toast your favorite bread, slice up tomatoes. Spread butter on toast. Place tomatoes on toast, shake out salt and pepper onto tomatoes. Then eat! :D
We had two tomatoes needing to be used. Which was fine. We were doing four slices of toast, and one tomato = about 2 slices. (depends on its size)
So I grabbed on tomato and sliced it up all nice and pretty for my sister.
-I was being kind and letting Kikay be first in eating.
So I went to grab the other tomato.
And I met a furry squishy surprise. :S
I repeat :S!!! GAH! EWW!!
The second tomato had grown black furry type mold on it!
And then it was SQUISHY!!
*shudders* Not my cup of ice cream.
totally NOT my cup of ice cream.
I can deal with furry. I can deal with squishy. But not with food *shudders*
Luckily the first tomato was normal and very good. :)
Kikay was kind and gave me half. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Involved me being in a cabin type of area. I was doing something and messing around with my mouth. I was focused on the gums where my wisdom teeth had been. I did something and the gum...basically came out of my mouth. Like a tooth. yet it wasn't a tooth. It was pink on top and white on the bottom like it had gone bad or something. It was the right bottom side that came out. Then a little while later the left bottom side fell out too. though there was like a little baby tooth growing there in its place. And as I looked in the mirror the inside of my mouth seemed more like the inside of a dark cave with black things hanging down, though I was more focused on the white tombstone like teeth lining upon the back of my mouth where they weren't supposed to be.
I was also getting really concerned about the two wisdom teeth I had lost. It seemed like with that piece mouth and face didn't look right. Okay I wasn't concerned I found it rather...strange that this had happened.
But then it seemed like all the teeth on my bottom jaw had disappeared and I suddenly only had my four front teeth.
I basically was thinking that by loosing that weird gum thing where my wisdom teeth had been...I'd actually lost a part of my jaw... It was odd. rather creepy because it made my mouth move weirdly and look really odd.

There were other aspects to the dream..I think i was preparing for a...trip? a play? something where I had to get a cabin like setting...

but then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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