Monday, September 19, 2011

Another Talent Unknown

Its amazing how we can take things for granted without realizing that they are considered to be a talent -like walking backwards- until someone points it out to you in an admiring sort of way.

Yesterday, I was once again brought into the light of understanding about a new talent -different from the walking backwards thing- that I just happened to do on the spur of the moment, but seemed amazing.

I've often called myself skin and bones.
I have very little muscle mass in my arms...more specifically my forearms.
I've often thought of them as being 'flat' in appearance. No nice circular muscles to arms well circular. Instead its just skin covering the bones, giving my arms a flat appearance.

Well, the flatness of my radius and ulna came in and last evening.

I was at a mission farewell of a wardmate of mine.
And where there is a farewell....
there usually is food.
Yep. Lots of food.
I ended up grabbing a plate and proceeded to 'fill' it up with sandwiches, chips and bean dip, veggies, and crackers and the like until I had no room to place anything else on my plate without getting everything covered in bean dip.
It was then....that I noticed....
The dessert table.
And here I was...with no room on my plate for dessert.
I didn't want to have to get back in line to grab another plate to put the desserts on.
But I also didn't want to go eat my food then come back and get dessert...
for the desserts I wanted might have been gone by the time I got back.
I couldn't hold the deserts in my left hand...for my right hand was holding the plate, and I would need to eat with at least one of my hands....
-If you're saying 'put the plate down' at this moment....yah the thought didn't cross my mind to do that. Or...well it did....but my 'sitting place' was the floor, and I didn't want to put my plate in harms way of getting stepped on, or set the plate on the unstable surface of my lap....
So I had a plate in my right hand to hold my food and keep the bean dip safe.
My right hand was spread out underneath the plate so that my palm was facing upwards.
I noticed that my arm was rather flat...if thin and skinny.
In a split second...after I had grabbed the peanutbutter bar...and I realized that I couldn't grab more deserts with both my hands full..
I set the peanutbutter bar on my forearm since I couldn't really move it.
Well I could move it...but not in a twisting fashion...since the right hand was holding the plate, and I didn't want to spill that bean dip.
Taking advantage of my new found 'plate' I proceeded to stack a rice krispi treat, and a mint chocolate chip cookie on top of the peanutbutter bar which was sitting on my arm.
Then I went and sat on the ground and began to enjoy the food on my plate, leaving the desserts on my arm for the time being.

After a bit of conversation, one of the other people in the room commented on the fact that I was balancing three deserts on top of each other on my arm as I was eating, without any problems whatsoever.
lol, I had actually not given what I'd done with my desserts another thought. As far as I was concerned my left hand was free to eat, my right hand was holding the food, and once the food disappeared off the plate I would move the desserts unto the now empty plate.

The desserts never made it that far. :) I ate them before they reached the plate.
But having had this person draw attention to the fact that the desserts were really stable on my arm...I decided to test it...for I still had chips, but no bean dip to dip them in. So I got up, desserts still on my arm, and went and got bean dip and came back.
Without loosing any of those sugary sweets :)

I found it rather cool. :) lol.
I don't know when it would come in handy...unless I decided to wait tables in a restaurant and bring out the meals on my arms....
Still...I thought it was cool, and something different. :)

Here's to the tabletop arms!
Woot! May you keep any future food that find its way onto thee safe, sound, and delicious X)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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