Thursday, January 19, 2012

April 1990 Conference Saturday Morning

So yesterday, I finished my first Conference Ensign out of the 44 that I goaled myself to read this year. And I thought...yesterday, that it would be fun to start posting what I had highlighted in the conferences on here.
So I set to work!
And decided....that this was rather tedious.
And I didn't even know if my readers would like to have a mile long blog to read.
So I chose a different subject (because one presented itself to me.)
And rethought my process.
I still want to have the conferences on my I can look back on them, or find things a bit quicker. (ha....probably not but it is wishful thinking)
So I came to the decision...that when I couldn't think of anything to post.
I would post a section of conference.

This first one should be the most exciting of the lot.
Why? can find out what year I was born in ;) haha.
-If you haven't already done the work and figured it out yourself.....

The first Conference Ensign I read for my New Years Eve Crazy Goal was:

The April
Conference.  :)

And here are the quotes I liked from the talks of the Saturday Morning Session. :)

Thomas S. Monson -Conference Is Here 

~The World has experienced sweeping changes since last we met. A wall in Berlin has crumbled. Families now may join together on either side and experience the joy they have long been deprived.

~We must dedicate our strength to serving the needs, rather than the fears, of the world.

~Beloved youth, you will have your trials and temptations through which you must pass, but there are great moments of eternity which lie ahead. You have our love and our confidence. We pray that you will be prepared for the reins of leadership. We say to you, Arise and shine forth and be a light unto the world, a standard to others.

~He has not forgotten you. He rejoices in your achievements, he admires your strengths, He is your friend and your advocate.

~Never in history has the need for cooperation, understanding, and goodwill among all people--nations and individuals alike--been so urgent as today. It is not only fitting--it is imperative--that we emphasize the ideal of brotherhood and the responsibility true brotherhood confers upon us all.

~He may come to us as one unknown, without a name--as of old, by the lakeside, He came to those men who knew Him not. He speaks to us the same words, "Follow thou me" and sets us to the task which He has to fulfill for our time. He commands, and to those who obey Him, whether they be wise or simple, He will reveal Himself in the toils, the conflicts, the sufferings which they shall pass through in His fellowship; and they shall learn in their own experience who He is.  

M. Russell Ballard -Small and Simple Things 

~Many of the things we think about when we think of the Church-- and take for granted--they may never see. But they have faith.

~We need not look beyond our own hearts to experience the sweet spiritual feelings promised to those who obey God.

~While having the tender, spiritual experiences this past month, I was sobered by how small and simple things can be negative and destructive to a person's salvation. A series of seemingly small but incorrect choices can become those little soul-destroying termites that eat away at the foundations of our testimony until, before we are aware, we may be brought near to spiritual and moral destruction.

~The effects of this were felt immediately at home; but with the support of an understanding wife, we felt we could endure until things 'picked up.'

~As my debt continued to mount, the destruction of my peace and happiness increased.

~Rivet myself to the gospel and to keep the commandments.

~Like weak fibers that form a yarn, then a strand, and finally a rope, these small things combined together can become too strong to be broken. We must ever be aware of the power that the small and simple can have in building spirituality. At the same time, we must be aware that Satan will use small  and simple things to lead us into despair and misery.

~We must never ignore or pass by the prompting of the Spirit to render service to one another.

~Great and marvelous events seem to motivate us, but small things often do not hold our attention.

~Do we realize that small events and choices determine the direction of our lives just as small helms determine the direction of great ships? 

Rex D. Pinegar - Home First 

~Our Heavenly Father has organized us into families for the purpose of helping us successfully meet the trials and challenges of life. The home also exists to bless us with the joys and privileges of family associations. Our family is our safety place, our support network, our sanctuary, and our salvation.

~Our homes should be the strong place to which children can come for the anchor they need in this day of trouble and turmoil.

~There is a power of loving energy that flows within every family circle during the joy of the best of times and particularly at the times of the sorrow of the worst of times.

~There is no substitute for the home.

~I didn't know then if we would have a house to return to, but I knew we would always have a home, because our family was intact and secure.

~If you have the right spirit within, the true love of Christ, and love for one have the true life of the home that Latter-day Saints build and which they are striving to establish.

~Families aren't failing, but we are failing the family because we have not learned how to put family life first in our world.

~Our society is interfering with the family-first feature. We are in familial bankruptcy and have fallen into the hands of receivers such as schools, businesses, recreational pursuits, and numerous institutional demands. The issue is not one of setting priorities; the issue is one of making difficult choices for the family. There can only be one number one. Is it your family? I warn you that if your family does not come first, your family will not last.

~It is parents, not teachers, who lay the foundation of character and faith in the hearts of their children. If the training a child should receive in the home is neglected, neither the Church nor the school can compensate for the loss.

~Within that 'wonderful chaos' of our family all is obviously not perfect. There are problems in our families as in many families...However, individual burdens and concerns may be lightened by the power of a family united in mutual love and support and in prayers of faith.

~No other success can compensate for failure in the home.

~The poorest shack in which love prevails over a united family is of greater value to God and future humanity than any other riches. In such a home God can work miracles and will work miracles.

~Now look, you can spend all your life storing up treasures of the earth, and you can sit on a hill and watch them go up in flames, or, you can store up the right kind of treasures and take them with you through eternity. 

Derek A. Cuthbert- The Spirituality of Service

~Live by the Spirit and teach by the Spirit.

~It's the Spirit that counts in this work.

~Service changes people. It refines, purifies, gives a finer perspective, and brings out the best in each one of us. It gets us looking outward instead of inward. It prompts us to consider others' needs ahead of our own. Righteous service is the expression of true charity, such as the Savior showed.

~If you would find yourself, learn to deny yourself for the blessings of others.

~We shall not save them by providing fun activities which are inward-looking.

~Have you ever realized that all sin is selfish, whether it be lying, cheating, stealing, immorality, covetousness, or idleness? Sin is for one's own ends, not another's--certainly not for the Lord's ends.

~Every son and daughter of God is a storehouse--even a powerhouse--of desires and energies, which may be used for good or evil.

~How knoweth a man the master whom he has not served?

~The wonderful thing about service is that there is no end to it.  

Richard P. Lindsay - Ye Have Done It unto Me  

~My life has been blessed and my faith has been increased as I have observed and experienced the Christlike love and the quite, unheralded service demonstrated in the lives of countless true Latter-day Saints.

~Examples of charity...are not restricted to geographic location, to age, or gender, or station in life.

~Christ is the only way to heaven. All other paths are detours to doom--commitment to Christ should go hand in hand with commitment to His Church.

~Their eyes were beautiful and clear--full of faith and love of their Savior.

~She had even been given additional strength to minister to the many needs of her dear companion, who now tenderly cared for her and had done so for so many years.

~The Lord answers our prayers, but it is usually through another person that he meets our needs.  

Russell M. Nelson- Thus Shall My Church Be Called 

~Surely every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord is precious. So each word in this name must be important--divinely designated for a reason. If we study the key words in that name, we can better understand the name's full significance.

~A saint is tolerant, and is attentive to the pleadings of other human beings, not only to spoken messages but to unspoken messages as well.

~A saint is different from an individual whose response to a concern might be a selfish "What do I care?" A real saint responds, "What? I do care!" Do is an action verb, and it becomes the driving force in the reply of one who will care for another in need.

~A saint 'refrains from idleness and seeks learning by study, and also by faith. Education not only helps in communication with others, but it enables one to discern truth from error, particularly through studying the scriptures.

~A saint is honest and kind, paying financial obligations promptly and fully, treating others as she or he would want to be treated.

~A saint resolves any differences with others honorably and peacefully and is constant in courtesy--even in traffic at the rush hour.

~A saint shuns that which is unclean or degrading and avoids excess even of that which is good.

~Perhaps above all, a saint is reverent.

~Finally, a saint is one who receives the gifts of the Spirit that God has promised to all His faithful sons and daughters.

~Swelling shouts of freedom fill the air. Surely the hand of the Lord is apparent. He said, "I will hasten my work in its time," and surely that time of hastening is now.

~He issued this solemn warning: "Let all men beware how they take my name in their lips."

L. Tom Perry- Family Traditions 

~Inasmuch as they have the power of choice they must exercise that power.

~There is an innate, overwhelming, compelling desire to be free. This desire seems to be more precious than life itself.

~As we hear the cries for help from those who are just now trying to deal with their newly found freedom, trying to use it and understand it, we can turn to the scriptures and read how the Lord prepared another nation for their freedom.

~It would have been impossible for Moses to lead his people without the direction of the Lord.

~Now, most of us will not be called to help nations organize newly found freedoms, but all of us can be involved by making certain the light of freedom burns brightly within our own souls. We can be certain that, by our actions, we are examples of how freedom should be enjoyed.

~God has given all his children an agency, to choose what law they will keep.

~If we build righteous traditions in our families, the light of the gospel can grow ever brighter in the lives of our children from generation to generation.

~Our family activities and traditions can be a beacon to the rest of the world as an example of how we should live to merit His choice blessings and live in peace and harmony until the day that He returns to rule and reign over us.

Can you see why I was leery of posting all of conference? Yah.... this post would be a mile long. :) As it is, the conference quotes were four pages long... :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

So I read yesterday online on a news bit, that a severed human head and hand had been found below the Hollywood Sign. (true dream)
And today, they were trying to figure out who the guy was, and what had happened to him. Well, the newscasters on tv had found a video showing the guy's last moments.'
We cut to a clip showing an older man with white hair wearing a blue shirt and light pants sitting on a bus seat -on a bus...- drinking a something from a Styrofoam cup. I guessed it would be coffee. He seemed pretty cheerful. It showed him talking to someone though you couldn't see who.
But suddenly the bus driver apparently slammed on the brakes and the man slide forward with an :O expression on his face and slammed his head into the seat back in front of him. He went limp then.
The newscasters were talking "Apparently the bus driver was so frightened at what happened he continued driving and driving." -the man was by himself on the bus.
And I watched as the man's face and body decomposed becoming all corpsey like. -The skin went from lifelike to the jerky colored stuff I experienced in the anatomy lab.
It was rather creepy to watch the limp form bounce back and forth and sway side to side with no more life in it getting more rotten by the minute.
It was time for us to go to church. We had missed our own church so we were going to some other type of church in order to get our 'Sunday worship' in. We boarded the bus, and there was the old man. Alive and happy.
The dream zoomed out to show that the 'bus' was actually one of those 18passenger vans with darkly tinted windows and dark blue paint -it looked like a creepy busvan thing
Zooming back in the inside of this 'bus' looked like a regular 'bus'
We a downtown area. Maybe New York, there were lots of tall buildings and we pulled into a park area where there seemed to be some sort of festival going on. There was a giant TV screen with a preacher's face on it and he was talking, giving a sermon.
But to back up a bit. The old man....died again. And we were all like "Oh no! We should do something!" but then as we were exiting the bus to let other people in to look at the man, my guardian a 'bigger' woman with blonde hair pulled back tightly against her skull fell down to the floor of the bus gasping. -she was having a heart attack. Me and my sister and brother were told to get off the bus. (we were like 7,5,and 3 or something) I got of the bus and held my bus pass to the door to make sure it stayed open as we looked on in concern to our guardian.
And suddenly she was standing right next to me, totally fine saying "lets go!"
So she and the tree children left and the bus moved away, and revealed
A guy and a girl. The guy had brown hair, and the girl had long blond hair pulled back in a ponytail. They were kneeling on the grass inbetween two trees. And on the girls lap was another woman. Looking pretty young teenager. She had dark curly brown hair. Red lips. And was wearing this white looked like the Greek goddess dress I saw last week on Project All Stars. Bright white and flowing. She had a white gold/silver chain necklace around her.
The blonde hair girl was talking to another man on the phone.
He was expressing concern that they find her, that they get his little girl back to him, and that its been forever and he misses her.
And she gave him a bit of fluff of 'well find her'
She hung up the phone and looked at the guy and basically said "This is your fault! Because of you, we've messed up the time continuum dimension thingy and he's talking about someone who never existed before this point!"
It was a complicated piece of information.
Basically the girl laying in front of them....didn't exist anymore. She was 'out of dimension'
And...I think she'd been possessed.
Her eyes were red after all, and she had a cruel cast to her expressions.
And the chain necklace was holding her in place.
The girl said to the boy "Here, see if you can control her"
and gave the end of the chain to him. They wrapped it around his wrist and he said some words and she repeated the words back to him....which signaled that he could control her.
So He got her to her feet and led her away.
I followed them and actually led them into our classroom and I had this "oh crap!" moment, of how we're going to explain the chained up demon girl that my brother is leading into the class room! But he made it all seem very natural. There was nothing we needed to worry about. Though I felt rather lonely with him sitting and flirting with her and I had nobody to sit with me now.
And the class wasn't being that...great.
It seemed like I was being made fun of a little once class started.

But the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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