Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Thought After Blog Stalking

You know...
I'm a rebellious soul.
If everyone is doing it....I tend to refuse to do it.
-Like read Harry Potter, or Twilight, or watch a particular show...or feel rebellious towards teachers I don't like....
Some of the almost maybe half but not so much of the time.
I'll 'give in' and take a stab at what's popular.
-Harry Potter, Twilight, that random show.
And often like more then half the time, but sometimes less of the time enough I LIKE IT!
"It's like there's a reason its popular!" -Kikay -I read the bit above to her and she said that so I quoted her saying that. :)

I actually wanted to talk about obsessiveness....but it deals with rebelliousness above as well.
You see...there are people I know...who can like Obsess over things.
Most of the time its movies...particular shows....or superheroes.
And they obsess and obsess...collecting everything relating to it, stalking it out on the Internet, doing whatever is related to that thing they're obsessing on....
and this could be years and years worth of obsessions.

...Not me.
I'm like a...Mini Obsessor.
Most of my obsessions come in quick bursts. Where I'll be totally focused on something....for a day or two. Most of the time the length will go out a week. Sometimes maybe two.
Right now I'm reobsessing over Dr. Horrible. -I randomly rewatched the show on Sunday, and I can't stop thinking about it....
I do that too. I'll obsess over something....drop it for a few months or a year or three, and then pick it up and reobsess over it for a bit then drop it again.
My point to that....I don't know if I could ever do an obsession blog.
Where I focus on everything related to one subject on a blog...for multiple blog posts.

I discovered a blog through a facebook like page.....that's like this.
Two girls, discovered BYU Vocal Point over Christmas Break while they were on the Sing Off and basically started obsessing over the point where they made a blog that does Vocal Point related stuff. -I'm a fan of Vocal Point on facebook yes. lol. They have fun music. :) I did a couple of Christmas themed videos of songs I like from them back in December.
And its a really fun blog!
-To those wondering what this blog is its: 
I enjoy reading their obsessiveness because they obsess over it in a fun way and make random connections and see funny things...yah its fun.

Sooo I'm always on the look out for blogs to follow. :) Beware! ;)

And I so wish I could do that too.
Like I wish that I would have a rating blog.
or a comic blog
or a music video blog
or a quote of the day blog.

I think they're all cool ideas.

Yet...I don't see myself as doing those blogs. lol.
I do love to read the other blogs though.
Sometimes I obsessively will stalk them.
I do obsess a little over blogs...I like to see new ones.
So I'll check them like four times a day.
You have anything new!?!?
-This too comes in phases.

I'm a phase type of person. Some phases are longer then others, some overlap.

But my point was....I want to do an 'obsession blog!"
So here it is...;) haha. jk jk.

I think if I were to obsess over would be my own stories.
I'm constantly thinking about phases lol. Since I have multiple characters.

*ding ding ding*

Its not an obsession.
But it is a pretty constantly constant thing I do on my blog that can be found in almost every blog post!

Its: The Dream.

Where I write down the dreams I have!

I decided to do this near the beginning of my blog, because I've always wanted to have a dream journal....but...I never could get into the habit of writing it down on paper.
Apparently online works much better. :) lol.
And if you haven't been reading The Dream part......'re only missing out on my dreams. :) So you're fine for not reading them. ;)

So, That...I my theme. :) ;) lol.
Okay not a theme. But it is a constant thread that 'ties' my blog together in way that the comics do in others or the quotes or the random vocal point thing.

^^ Its not an obsession though. And it changes constantly.
But the Dream is a constant fixture of my blog!

Whew. So glad I figured that out. ;)

<.< I'm wondering.....I wonder how many people actually read The Dream part of my blog.....hmmm dunno. :)
(I obsess over how many people viewed me today as well... :D just so you know. I get so excited when I see people have viewed me! Thanks so much for coming here!)

Now...eventually I should do......
I'm content with my blog being the way it is ^^
That's what makes it mine!
I rebel!
I shall not conform to the other blogs! ;) haha

-You were wondering how I'd tie in the rebelliousness weren't you? :P

I'm just going to stay uniquely me, and uniquely like me, I'll try things out like comics, or pictures, or videos, or random things. :) Because I'm random and rebellious like that.

Wasn't this enlightening? ;) haha

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

The Dream

I was sitting in a classroom, with other classmates. It was a regular sunny day...nothing seemed to be happening, but then we heard this droning noise. I looked out the window and these 'Aliens' in fighter planes came into view. And they started shooting at us! These silver canister things. Some were like canisters, others small like bullets. We ducked down and one guy was like "I've seen this movie before! The aliens will do this and that and the other....basically come around and attack us again!" So he said that we needed to get out of the building and take cover elsewhere. But the planes...came back quicker then expected and they started shooting at us again. We ducked behind some low flat crates like on trains...but we didn't have enough cover. People were being shot. I got shot. I felt the bullets hit me on my back right side above my hip. It hurt! I could feel the stinging. The uncomfortableness as the shells lodged in my skin, and I wondered to myself...if I would be paralized because of this. The planes swung around attacking us again before we could move. I'm pretty sure other people were dying...but I got to my feet and ran.
I ducked into a house...where I think I encountered Kelly Mill. She was pregnant and had a baby boy already, so I asked what they were going to name the second child and she said a B name. It wasn't Barney but similar to that, Bernard or something. I briefly saw her husband Ben, he was late to I think.
But then my own husband came in....and he wasn't the nice sort of husband.
He was abusive and cruel and I was trying to get me and my children out of the house and away from him permanently, but I needed help.
Nathon Fillion -Dude who plays Castle and Captain Hammer volunteered to help keep him from permanently being in my life again.
So we went out to dinner together, but my husband found it.
And there was this huge conversation....i think it was in our kitchen, I was in another room.
An alceration happened....he got stuff spilled on his pants...from some guys, maybe from me.
And Captain Hammer went through this whole plan...telling the guy that he'd been infected with a disease that he was trying to kill me with where the person becomes a 'living statue' and they can't move. And he used all the evidence and things that happened in this part of the dream as a way to convince the guy he was infected. He used the stain on his pants as the final proof and the guy believed that he was going to be frozen in time.There was a brief moment where I 'froze' while doing laundry so the husband believed that he had been frozen, but Captain Hammer was still moving and he basically smiled and said "Oh, I got that in reverse. The world is frozen, you and I are going at a faster speed now." And then all these weird things started happening, like dinosaurs out side the window and alien things and all these other movie type happenings.
But then the view withdrew and it showed me outside the house in the middle of the desert and some of the scenes were on a giant drive through screen people were watching in the distance. others were giant props of dinosaurs, but Captain Hammer came up to me while I was sitting in a chair and told me that he wasn't going to bother me was insinuated that the cops or CIA or CSI or something had taken him away.
I was doing something dirt related.
And there were these cars that kept passing us by in the went along my path and almost ran me over, others were doing dirt wheeling or something.
I encountered Ben again briefly.
Then again in my house as I went to get water.
He told me he was late for work or school...he was late to both at some point in the dream, and I asked him why he wasn't leaving and he was like "I don't wanna!"
So I opened up the fridge...and strangely enough there were 'his' movies in there.
He was telling me about a creepy movie that was on the bottom shelf behind pushed back by the milk, and there were alot of movies in the door. Basically he'd run out of room on the bookshelf right next to the door and moved into the fridge itself.
I bent down to look at the movies, and alot of them were Yu-gi-oh related. And most of them were video game related. But I found three Yugioh movies that were mine. The first was the movie, the second was the two dvds of 'best friends' where Joey is temporary evil. I took them telling him that they were mine. And
we ended up going outside, into the moab area. so that he...she? I think it was a girl now, could take pictures of people climbing on rocks for the club blog.
The instructor teaching some people to rock climb on this 'easy' arch red rock area spotted us and said that we could only take two pictures per lesson. I was like Oh. And chose to begin to climb -without rope- I'd done this course before I told Ben, I tried to see how far I could get without using other handholds besides the ones that the Indians used.
I came upon a cave, where Kikay...and another person...Ben? Beth? Someone was playing a game with another boy around 11 or so in the cave. He would hide. They would stick there hands up in to the small part of the cave, and he would guess whose hand it was. So I went into the cave (it was a small cave) And had him guess. He was totally pissed off that I had done that. "That's not fair! the agreement was between me and them! Not you! I backed off shaking my head and continued climbing thinking. Geez dude, it wasn't life or death I was just playing. Touchy touchy. I climbed to the top of the rock area where I encountered the remains of an old Indian building...wood building...possibly  cowboy building where you can actually walk on the wood in certain areas.
But these two boys along with some other visitors weren't paying attention, or didn't care,and they swung on ropes landing in areas where they weren't supposed to be and I told them so. The Justin D and twin twins -they reminded of the two boys that used to live behind my parents house. ignored me rule wise but started chasing me around the jungle gym and its rope courses and wooden areas and zip lines. They couldn't really catch me, I was too quick and agile for them because I knew this jungle gym well having played on it and I managed to get to the last part without them where you had to hop on a rubber cowboy hat and jump from that stand to a series of half circle tires in the ground where you then had to hope your way over to the end. I knew that this was the most difficult part. So I got onto the cowboy hat, and went to jump...
when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


Note: Writing down the dream this morning...almost made me late for school. I just thought you should know that. I was dedicated to writing the whole thing down this morning so I wouldn't forget it. :)

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